Chapter 1.5 InfoDump 1

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STATS: Your physical being diplayed as numbers.
Strength: How strong you are. At a high enough level of strength it would be possible to crush mountains to dust with a flick of a wrist. Human average is 5.

Agility: How fast and flexible your body is. Higher levels of strength may unlock Time manipulation because of moving faster than time. Human average is 5.

Constitution: How strong your Bones, Skin, Muscels are. It also determins your life span. 1 Constitution = 20 years of live if living correctly. Human average is 5.

Perception: Your ability to process information and act on reflex. Slow down time to a halt while thinking or Stop an attack that you didn't even know was coming.Human average is 5.

Inteligence: Your ability to learn and recall information. At high level you can remeber every word that has been spoken to you in your life at a moments notice.Human average is 5.

Wisdom: Your ability to utilize knowledge that you have gained. It also has to do with your ability to comunicate and understand social situations. Human average is 5.

Luck: How much you can influence reallity. The higher your luck the closer you are to becoming a higher existence. Human average is 5.

Skills: Passive abilities that get better as you train them.
Unique skills: When a Unique skill is gained it can not be lost even upon death and nobody else can gain this skill.

Trainable skills: Skills that anybody can gain by doing certain things.

Unlife: The process of becoming undead.
Small Blade proficiency: The ability to wield anything from a kitchen knife or switchblade to a shortsword.
Fire Manipulation: Ability to create, shape and control Fire.
Soul Manipulation: Includes Spiritual attacks, shapeshifting, Mind contol.
Sprint: Extra boost of speed when running.
Mental resistance: Ability to block out emosions, mental attacks.
Soul System: Ability to collect souls and create minions to do your bidding, they will be combination of all the souls use to create them.
Admin: Gives control of the world system to someone with every level.
Absolute luck: instantly become a higher being.

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