Chapter 3 The New Era 2

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"Kenny we're taking this well but how is the rest of the world taking it." Daniel asks Kenny.

"Don't know don't care but you can check the TV if you want." Kenny replies casually.

Daniel turns on the TV. Daniel looks at the TV with amazement.
---Mass Riots In India---
---SuperPowers are real---
---3 SuperHeroes reveal themselves---
---All of New York blown up by mad terrorist---

"Huh better than expected." Daniel commented after watching the news. He stretched after standing up from the sofa. He strode of towards the fridge. He took out a soda from the fridge and went to sit back down on the sofa.

"Daniel do you wanna go check up on your mom?" Kenny asked Daniel.

"Kenny I couldn't care less." Daniel replied while sipping his soda.

Daniel and Kenny sat and lounged around for a while. There was an explosive Roar in the frontyard.

10 minutes earlier.
Outside Kenny's house two medium sized shadows were sitting next to the fence close to the street.

This was a shady part of town and illegal acts happen often but this case was a little different.

"Jeff are you sure we won't get in trouble right?" A 11 year old girl asked the 14 year old teen.

"Yeah don't worry. People will be thanking us when he's gone Nata."
Jeff told Natasha. "Plus its a good place to test our powers." Jeff said with a grin that stretched across his face.

"Yeah I know but its still illegal!" Natasha yelled at Jeff.

"Shhh quiet down you idiot." Jeff scolded Natasha.

"S- sorry." Natasha apologized quietly.

"Its fine lets go." Jeff said softly. They stalked closer to Kenny's door.

'Rumble tumble rawr or caw.' A voice than sounded low and raspy but barely a whisper entered the pairs ears. It was very quiet around them so the pair heard it clearly. The hairs on the back of their necks and arms stood on end.

'All things end up in my Maw' The whisper continued. The pair looked around franticly.

"Jeff whats going on?" Natasha asked trying to not to scream.

All the shadows in the surroundings started slowly swirling around them. The air was getting colder. They saw figures moving around in the shadows.

'But as all the living usually tend' The whisper said. Natasha broke down in tears while Jeff tried to shield her from the shadows.

'They end up with me in the end' As the whisper said this a massive hooded skull made of shadow flew at them from the darkness.

It was pitch black like the night and had blue flames for eyes. It was oozing black smoke as it moved. It opened it Jaw as it flew in their derection.

"Gravity Crush!" Jeff said in a panic. The shadow started condensing into a small ball before it disappeared.

A few seconds later there was a massive sound of an explosion. When the dust cleared there sat the two. One dazed that his power worked. The other was a trembling mess.

When Kenny came out with a Baseball bat and saw the state of the children he immediately put away the bat. He walked over to the child that just sat there in a daze.

"What happend here?" He asked the boy. Kenny saw he was in a better state than shivering girl with tears and snot on her face.

Jeff looked up at Kenny. "W-we were attacked by s-some kind of sh-sh-shadow monster." Jeff stutterd out.

Meanwhile Daniel was still sitting on the sofa looking with a stupid expression at a small blue square that said
Unique skill gained. Death's shadow Lv. 1

Your shadow became a sentient enitity when it sensed a hostile presencse. Your shadow can think for itself and is no longer attached to you.
It will serve you as a eternal minion.

Kenny told the kids it might be safer inside and invited them in. The kids reluctantly entered. They knew this is how kids usually get abducted. They dicided it was better to take their chances in there than outside.

"Thanks mister." Jeff said to Kenny. Kenny had a grim expression on his face and started muttering to himself while rubbing his scruffy beard.
"Do I look that old. I can't look old. I know its been a while since I shaved my beard but it can't be that bad."

Kenny reached the door, picked up his bat and opened the door. "Hey Daniel get over here real quick!" Kenny yelled from the door.

"Yeah I'm coming whats up" Daniel yelled back.

"I found who made the explosion." He pointed at Jeff and Natasha.

"What happened to them?" Daniel asked. He could see their eyes were still red and puffy.

"Don't know thats why I brought them inside." Kenny said.

"So why don't we introduce youselfs. I'm Daniel, I'm a delinquent and runaway from home alot." Daniel introduced himself.

"I'm Kenny maddest man on the block and I'm practically Daniels big brother." Kenny sounded of with great enthusiasm.

"I Jeff I'm an orphan that lives with my sister." Jeff introduced himself.

"I am Natasha I am Jeff's sister its nice to meet jou." Natasha politely introduced herself shyly.

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