Chapter 6 The New Era 5

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As Kenny walked through the door he barely paid any attention to the massive bearlike man sitting on his sofa. He just walked up to the coffee table. He took a stack of clothes out of his backpack. They were latex skin-tight black body-suits. Then he proceded to take out a bunch of white full face masks and black hoodies.

"These are the uniforms. We are going to need to think of a ranking system." Kenny said to Daniel.

"Well do that later but first, this is Brick he is our new head of security." Daniel introduced Brick.

"Nice to meet you Brick I am Kenny. I am head advisor and nutjob of the group." Kenny introduced himself very politely. Jeff and Natasha were staring holes into Kenny's back as he introduced himself.



Jeff and Natasha said while glaring. They had never seen Kenny this polite. Kenny flinched slightly under their gaze.

He spun around and looked at the two with a betrayed look on his face. "Is it really that strange for me to be polite." The two kids nodded without a shred of hesitation. Kenny dropped to his hands and knees.

Daniel walked over to the masks and threw one to each person. "Do what you want with them. Just wear them when you are on work hours." He then proceeded to give out two latex suits to each of the people in the room.

"Kenny! Do we have a proper headquaters now." Daniel asked Kenny. Kenny nodded at Daniel. "Then suit up everybody were gonna go see the lair. Before you leave." He looks at all his minions and grins. He proceeds to put down a bunch of marker pens he summoned from somewhere. "Spice up your masks" He states, spins around and leaves.

*10 Minutes later.

Daniel is standing outside Kenny's house looking at his friends. They all decorate their masks. Jeff's mask has a large Evil Black hole draw on it in black. Natasha's has small love hearts drawn onto every single space in pink. Brick's mask has three thin stripes going diagonally from the top to the bottom and Kenny's mask is blobs of random colors over every surface.

 Brick's mask has three thin stripes going diagonally from the top to the bottom and Kenny's mask is blobs of random colors over every surface

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Daniel nodded at then. "You all look good." They wore the bodysuits, hoodies and black shoes. "Ok Kenny lead the way." Daniel said. Kenny curtly nodded and started walking. They walked in this formation. Kenny in front, Jeff and Natasha behind Kenny, Daniel behind them and Brick in the back.

After about ten minutes of walking Kenny stoped. "Is this..." Daniel audible gulped at the sight of the building. "Yup. This is the place." Kenny said. The others looked at the building jaw agape. It was a 5 story tall building. The place looked like a fancy brick building. 'It looks more like a hotel than a place to run a evil organizasion.' Daniel inwardly thought.

"Follow me!" Kenny bellowed as he walked over to the building. The rest rushed after when they regained their senses.

The interior of the building was a stark contrast to the outside. Everything was a smooth white surface. They walked down the corridor until they reached a pair of large metal doors. On the wall next to the door was a small hand indent.

"Put your handzys on the scanzys and it opens the door." Kenny explained. Daniel shrugged and put his hand into the indent. "Lord Death recognized. Opening door."  A robotic british voice said.

Daniel slowly turned towards Kenny and grabed him by the shoulders. Daniel shoulders trembled as he asked Kenny. "We have a british A.I.""Yes sir his name is Jeeves!" Kenny yelled at Daniel with a crazed glint in his eyes. Daniel's mouth opened and closed but no words escaped his lips.

Kenny sliped out of Daniel's grasp and walked through the now open door. The other three kept looking between Kenny and Daniel. They weren't sure what to make of the situasion so they just ran after Kenny. Daniel quickly regained his bearings and yelled, "Get back here you have not explained my new favourite butler yet!!" He proceeded to charge after Kenny while spouting curses.

When Daniel found Kenny he was sitting on a large black swivel chair behind a desk with his back facing him. Natasha, Brick and Jeff were standing in the corners looking at Daniel.

"Aaaah master we've been expecting you!" Kenny said while spinning the chair to face Daniel. "Welcome to your office." He said with a warm smile on his face. It was a large room. Wooden floors. Smooth walls. Large oak desk. Big black swivel chair. 'This looks like a cliche Vilians office.' Daniel thought while looking around the room.

Daniel's eyes got stuck on the computer moniter on desk. More spesificly what it was showing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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