Chapter 5 The New Era 4

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When Daniel woke up he had a terrible headache. He sat up in bed. He looked at the time on his phone. It was five in the morning. He decided he should get up as he wasn't tired anymore. He went to the kitchen in his pajamas after he went to the bathroom.

Kenny's house had 2 guest rooms, 1 master bedroom, 1 bathroom and a room that was half kitchen half living room.

When he reached the kitchen Kenny was already there preparing breakfast. Kenny turned around. He was wearing a pink heart shaped apron which said 'Kiss the lunatic'.

"You going to school today Daniel?" Kenny asked him.

"Don't know probebly" Daniel answered him. "Things are hectic so I don't even know if theres gonna be school today."

"Where are the two kids?" Daniel asked Kenny.

Their still asleep seems that this is the first time in a while they slept in a warm bed. You should go wake them up soon foods almost ready." Kenny told Daniel. Kenny was making toast soup.

Toast soup consists of: Boiling water, Toast, Butter, Peanut butter, Apricot Jam and Marmite.

Daniel nodded at Kenny and walked of in the derection of the room where the kids slept. He knocked on the door and opened it slightly.

"Hey you two up yet?" Daniel whispered into the room. When he got no reply he opened the door fully. He saw the two sqaushed together in the small twin sized bed.One a little girl with shiney golden blond hair. The other a boy only a few years younger than Daniel. He also had blond hair although it was more of a dark blond.

When Daniel saw them still sleeping he walked closer to the bed and lightly shook Jeff's shoulders. Jeff woke up almost immediately. When Jeff saw Daniel he asked him with sleepy eyes. "How late is it?"

Its five in the morning. You need to get up Kenny made breakfast." As soon as Daniel said breakfast, sparkles appeared in Jeff's eyes.

Jeff woke up Natasha and the three of them went to the living room. Kenny was finished making toast soup and had already piled food into four bowls. When Jeff and Natasha saw the food, both of them had strange looks on there faces.

"Help your selves." Kenny told them, taking his own bowl to sit down on the sofa by the TV.

The three of them each took a bowl and sat down on the sofas. Daniel was sitting next to Kenny while Natasha and Jeff were sitting on the other sofa in the room.

They sat there eating, while watching the morning news.

--- We advise all residents to stay inside today. The situasion of yesterday has not died down yet. Laws and school curriculums are being changed to encompas the new world system. ---

"So what are we doing today?" Daniel asked everyone.

Kenny was the first to reply. "I'm going to go get new uniforms and masks and see about getting a new headquaters."

"Because of the way you dress and act I forget that you are rich." Daniel said back to Kenny.

Kenny got rich by investing in things like bitcoin and gold and starting trends. He was the reason that the fidget spinner trend started. Well it wasn't all his doing. One of the voices in his head was a financial advisor.

"And what about you two?" Daniel asked the kids.

"We're going to see if we can recruit anybody!" Jeff replied enthusiasticly.

"So what are you going to do Daniel?" Kenny asked Daniel. Daniel thought about it a while. Then he replyed "I think I'm going to follow these two." Daniel said gesturing towards Jeff and Natasha.

Kenny nodded said goodbye and left to go get uniforms and masks.

Natasha, Jeff and Daniel set out to go recruit people. They walked through the streets looking for people to recruit. They came to a conclusion. Its a lot harder to recruit people into a cult/evil orginizasion than it looks.

Daniel decided to put up help wanted posters and set the adress to Kenny's house. The details given were minimal. They waited a few hours in Kenny's living room until there was a knock on the door.

Daniel was the one to anwser the door. On the other side of the door was a 2m tall man. He was built like a mountain. Daniel had to look up at him to look him in the eyes.

"Hi, I'm here for the Job application." The man spoke.

"O, I see, please come in." Daniel said to him. They sat down on the sofas.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Daniel, that's Jeff and that's Natasha." Jeff and Natasha were standing behind Daniel. They nodded at the man.

"Nice to meet you my name is Brick Molotov" Brick introduced himself.

"I see Brick, would you like to be our head of security of the secret evil orginisasion Death Corp." Daniel asked Brick.

"Do I get paid?" Brick asked Daniel.

"Yes you do. We can't write it on paper because then it can be traced by the police." Daniel said.

"I see... Then I accept. Not much else I can do than beat people up though." Brick told them.

"Thats fine because thats all there is to it." Daniel told him.

"Advisor Kenny will bring you a mask and uniform. I need to ask you to stay here until he gets back to tell you the location of the base. But before that what is your unique skill?" Daniel asked Brick

"Oh its nothing big, I got Charming." Brick said.


Charming Lv.1: Its easier to make friends.


After Brick explained his skill, Kenny finally came back.

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