Chapter 4 The new era 3

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Natasha and Jeff were siting uncomfortably on one of Kenny's sofas. Natasha was shifting to find a good seating position while Jeff was sitting strait as a rod. Jeff had a serious look on his face.

"So why were you two in my frontyard?" Kenny asked Jeff. Jeff flinched when that was asked.

"W- we were coming to test our new powers on you. We thought we wouldn't get in too much trouble." Natasha said very quietly.

"I thought if we tested them on the crazy guy nobody would complain." Jeff said.

"I see." Kenny said with a complicated look. "Well I guess no harm no foul!" Kenny said very cheerfully. "Ah thats a great idea Sir Alexander!" Kenny said while looking and nodding at open air.

"You two!" Kenny yells with sparkels in his eyes. The two kids jumped when he suddenly called out to them like that. "You would make great additions to Death corp. We are scythe and shield to his lordship Death! Do you wish to join?! You will be hired as recruiters!"

The Kids look at eachother and Jeff asked Kenny "Do we get to keep staying here?"

"Of coarse you do! This is current HQ after all!"

The kids looked at eachover again nodded their heads and looked at Kenny. ""We wish to join!"" Both said at the same time.

"Good now Jeff, Natasha what are your unique skills?" Kenny asked with a scary glint in his eyes.

"I have Gravity Manipulation." "I have Body Mastery." Jeff and Natasha answered respectively.

Gravity Manipulation Lv.1: The power to control gravity. Your understanding and control of the skill is minimal. You can turn a sphere of gravity onto a single point. It lasts 10 seconds.

Body Mastery Lv.2: You have a basic understanding of your body. Your strength doubles and constitution triples.
"That skill really doesn't suit her does it?" Daniel commented from the side.

"Yes it doesn't your Lordship." Kenny replied back. "Anyway I will give you uniforms and masks tommorow."

"They get uniforms, since when do we have uniforms?" Daniel asked Kenny.

"Since I decided we need uniforms. Now I just need to go find some." Kenny whispered into Daniels ear.

"I see so it was a trick to bring up morale." Daniel whispered back.

"Yes it was." Kenny said in a voice loud enough for the kids to hear him.
"Anyway its time to hit the sack. Daniel you sleep in that room. Kids you sleep in that room." Kenny says pointing out the doors.

The kids looked at eachover shrugged their shoulders and went into the assigned room.

Kenny said goodnight to Daniel and went into his room.

Daniel sat on his bed and thought about everything that happend today. First he had a fight at school then he got shouted at by his mother for being friends with Kenny. Got inserted into some kind of system and recruited two minions as his first subordinates. It was a hectic day. Daniel got into bed slowly. He was thinking about where his life was going as his consciousness slipped away.


In a dark room between nowhere and nothing Daniel suddenly opened his eyes. There was nothing around him as far as the eye could see. Thousands of sqaure meters of nothing. At random points in space there were tiny little glowing dots.

"That was faster than I thought." A small childlike voice sounded of behind Daniel. Daniel spun around. There he saw the figure of a small girl. She was smiling innocently. "Who are you little girl?" Daniel asked her.

"I don't have a name but you can call me Yu. I've always wanted to be called that." Yu introduced herself. She doesn't look older than ten. She has platinum coloured hair and bright pink eyes. She was wearing a white dress with lots of frills.

"I... See... Sorry but where are we?" Daniel asked while looking around.

"I am in a place that exists between nowhere and nowhen. It exists but doesn't at the same time. While you are asleep at Kenny's house. You're mind is the only thing about you that can appear here." Yu anwsered.

"Oh our time is up. I have a question for you this time." Yu said with a slightly weak voice.

"Sure wat is it?" Daniel asked her.

"Would you be my friend" She said very quietly.
Before Daniel could anwser her.

He woke up.

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