chapter six

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The morning after the party, Alex's mind was preoccupied with two burning topics; her family and Maggie. She wanted to be happy that she had kissed Maggie and that she was really falling for the other girl, but the skeletons in her closet were fighting their way out, dampening her mood and dragging her away from her glimmer of happiness.

Jace took her away from her thoughts with his pained groan, Alex turning to look at him, seeing the hungover state that he emitted. "Do you remember the things that you did last night?" Alex teased with a smirk, not feeling anywhere near as awful as Jace did, already dressed and ready for the day.

It took a moment for Jace to fully wake up, propping his head up with his elbow after sitting up in his bed. His eyes widened and his expression dropped when he clearly remembered him and Simon, Alex's devilish smirk growing. "Do you have feelings for him?" Alex asked, afraid for Simon if he said no.

Jace looked at her for a minute before saying, "I think I have for a couple of months now." Alex enjoyed seeing Jace vulnerable, which he clearly noticed, inviting her to sit next to him. Alex laughed, "I'm not touching you after hearing what you got up to last night," after Jace tried to hug her.

He said that was understandable with a slight laugh, asking if anything happened between her and Maggie. Alex nodded confidently, saying that they kissed and it was great. "Most people do just kiss first, not have sex multiple times, in case you didn't know." Alex teased, making Jace give her an amused deadpan look, which made her laugh even more.

Jace expressed his happiness for her, although was surprised that she wasn't more nervous when talking about Maggie, like she usually was. It was strange that Alex had a new air of confidence about her, which Jace didn't see as a bad thing, but it was definitely out of character.

Alex felt her phone buzz and looked down, seeing a text from Maggie that read, 'do you want to meet later? i'm not doing anything, you can come to mine if you want :)'. Alex replied and said that she would be there, Jace teasing her by poking her and using a high-pitched voice to mock that she was in love with her.

 "Do you want to get some breakfast? I'll pay," Alex asked, seeing that Jace seriously needed a hot meal right now. Jace nodded, saying that he would text Isabelle to meet them there. Alex asked if Simon and Maia would be there, to which Jace shrugged, saying it would be a surprise to both of them whether or not Isabelle invites them.

The two of them got to the coffee shop after a long half an hour of Jace throwing up and declaring that he'd never drink again, which both of them knew was utter bullshit. Alex felt a smirk grow to her face as she saw Simon sat next to Isabelle, who looked just as hungover as Jace did.

Alex and Jace slid into the booth, both Isabelle and Alex looking like they were trying to hold in all of their jokes and teasing. Simon finally looked up at Jace over the table, looking mortified, Jace clearing his throat awkwardly. Alex could only imagine the images from last night going through their minds right now.

 "Who's hungry? I think you two will both have sausage, right?" Alex finally let her jokes rise to the surface, addressing Jace and Simon, Isabelle letting out a loud laugh at Alex's comment. Jace, surprisingly, was quiet, not clapping back, letting his cheeks go red in embarrassment. Simon looked more mortified, not able to look at anyone in the eyes.

Isabelle said, "Maia was too busy getting yelled at by her parents to come, which is why it's just Simon and I." Jace spoke up, almost interrupting Isabelle, "I don't regret what happened last night; I just think that we could have slowed down with all of the sex." He looked directly at Simon, who looked anxious with the attention, Jace's bluntness alien to him. 

 "I don't regret it either," Simon said, his words practically a squeak, not understanding how he was so confident last night. It was hazy, but he was pretty sure that Jace started the entire thing. Isabelle and Alex sat back and watched the cute moment occur, a comfortable silence filling the air between them all.

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