I Can Help You

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Disclaimer- I do not own HTTYD

Toothless's P.O.V

I got woken up by Hiccup talking, "No, please. I don't want to go back, MOM, DAD! Do-don't let the-them take me! I didn't mean to hu-hurt him!" I got up from my bed and opened the curtain separating me and Hiccup, I saw Hiccup thrashing around in his bed. I went up to him and tried to shake him awake, "Hiccup, it's just a dream. Wake up." I tried, he still didn't wake up. I tried to shake him again, suddenly Hiccup sprung up from his bed and tackled me to the ground. I tried to get away but he was surprisingly strong, "Hiccup, it's Toothless! Stop it!" I yelled. But he still held me down, the lights suddenly got turned on. I heard footsteps rush towards me, "Hiccup, get off of him!" The Doctor yelled. "I need a sedative asap please!" He told his assistant. She nodded and rushed off to get one, the Doctor finally got Hiccup off of me and tried to restrain Hiccup. "What's going on with Hiccup? Why did he attack me?" I demanded. "He can sometimes be violent with the disorder he has, his personality fluctuates a lot." The Doctor explained.

The nurse came back with the sedative, the doctor grabbed it and injected it into one of Hiccup's veins. Hiccup's movements lessened until he finally laid still, the nurse and Doctor laid him back down on his bed. Then put handcuffs around his wrists and attached it to the railing of the bed, "Why are you restraining him?" I curiously asked. "So if he has another nightmare and you try to wake him up again. It will hold him back from randomly attacking you." He exclaimed. I got the point and decided to be quiet, I went back to my bed and decided to leave the curtain open. I laid back down and drifted off to sleep after the doctor left. . .

The Next Day. . .

Third Person's P.O.V

Hiccup woke up with a headache, as he tried to reach his head with his hand to soothe his headache, he couldn't. Hiccup looked down at his wrists and saw that he was handcuffed to his own bed, "What happened last night? Why am I handcuffed to my own bed?" He thought. Hiccup heard Toothless started to stir in his bed, "Toothless, why am I handcuffed?" Hiccup asked. "Well, you were having a nightmare and I tried to wake you up. You attacked me and the doctor got a sedative to put you back to sleep, in case you got any more nightmares and I try to wake you up. It would stop you from attacking me." Explained Toothless. "Oh, Gods. I'm so sorry, Toothless! I didn't mean to attack you, I thought you were one of the doctors here." Hiccup apologized. "It's okay, Hiccup, it's okay," Toothless reassured him. Hiccup just shook his head, trying to back up on his bed but to no avail with the handcuffs. Hiccup started to shake violently as he tried to hug his knees, "Sh, sh, it's okay, Hiccup. You didn't mean too, you would never hurt me." Toothless started to walk towards Hiccup, trying to get closer without spooking him out more. I went up to him and lifted his chin up with his hand. "I know that you can't control this, but I can help you get through this. Just please let me in and help you."

Hiccup started to sob as he heard Toothless's words, "Someone wants to actually help me?" Hiccup thought as he looked at Toothless with teary eyes. "C-can you ask on-one of the doctors to un-handcuff me?" Hiccup asked. Toothless nodded his head and pressed the "call button" to have a doctor come. A knock was audible heard at the door, the door creaked open as their doctor walked in. "You needed something, Mister. Haddock?" He questioned. Hiccup nodded his head, "Yes, could you unlock the handcuffs please?" The doctor nodded and unlocked the handcuffs, "I'll be back soon with your breakfast." Both of them nodded their heads to the doctor as he walked out of the room, Hiccup rubbed his wrists to soothe them from the pain. Then he turned his head towards Toothless with a questioning look. "Why would you want to help me? Wh-why me, when you co-could help anyone el-else?" Hiccup sniffled.

"Because you're the one I want to help if you will let me. I want to help you have a normal life if you will just let me." Toothless begged. Hiccup nodded as he hugged Toothless tightly, "Th-thank you, Toothless." Hiccup said. Toothless smiled as he hugged Hiccup back, "Come on, what do you want to talk about now while we wait for breakfast." Toothless chuckled. "H-how about we play a g-game instead." Hiccup suggested. "Okay, what about we pla. . ." Toothless got interrupted when the Doctor walked into the room with some nurses. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation boys, but we have breakfast and Hiccup we need to have you come with us." Explained Doctor Evans. Hiccup hugged back onto Toothless shaking his head at Doctor Evans request for him to come with him, "N-no, I d-don't want to go wi-with them. Toothless do-don't let them take me, please!" Hiccup pleaded, tightening his grip on Toothless's torso. Doctor Evans nodded towards his assistants, they walked over to Toothless and Hiccup, they pulled on Hiccup trying to get him off Toothless. "NO! STOP, LET GO OF ME! Toothless, help me, please! I don't want to go with them!" Hiccup pleaded as he started to sob, as they finally were able to get a hold of him. Hiccup thrashed around in the nurse's grips, "I'm going to need to sedate him so we can move him." Stated Doctor Evans. As a nurse was passing by the room he grabbed the sedative that was on the cart, he re-entered the room and walked towards the struggling teen. He grabbed onto Hiccup's arm, as he tried to inject the sedative into him, Hiccup had moved his arm and Evans had accidentally stabbed Hiccup around his bicep.

Hiccup yelped in pain as Doctor Evans stabbed him somewhere else unintentionally, Hiccup had stopped moving for a few seconds which gave Doctor Evans time to inject the sedative correctly. Hiccup became still and slumped in the nurse's grip, "Take him." Doctor Evans ordered.

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