Chapter 4

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Anxiety's P.O.V

After prince weirdo left I descided to leave my room and go to the imagination. It's been a while since I've done it.
I walked through the commons getting curious glares from both Patton and Logan. I opened the mind palace's door and left to go into the imagination.

The imagination had the ablity to change it's self to whatever one of the main sides wanted it to do but weaker sides couldn't.

I walked to the far side of the imagination where almost no one knows about but if they did they didn't go. They didn't go because I told them some crazy story about if you go there you will be corrupted. But only the main sides rooms could do that.

The landscape morphed into a large cliff with a purple cherry blossom tree on the side of it. The grass is a soothing paraket hue. The sky would change to a firey sunset that would contrast with the dark colours. This was my favourite scenery to create.

I stood on the edge of the cliff and slowly took my black jacket off. Large egg plant wings that faded to violet, swepted the ground as I took my jacket off and my dark grey shirt had two slits in them so my wings could breath. This was something the others could never know about.
I croutched my legs and jumped. I felt a warm hand grab onto mine.

Logan's P.O.V

I sat in my room inquiring to myself why Anxiety would hide this. There must be a logical reason why we did not notice this before. Wait.
How could I over look something so simple. Since I am logic, I am more logical than everyone else. Since Patton is morality he has more morals than everyone else. And since Roman is creativity he is more creative.

I feel like an idiot. Just not Roman-level idiot. Vut idiot enough. Did the others notice this? Where was Anxiety going earlier.

I picked up a book from my shelf, Sherlock Homes. Such an interesting novel. But Sherlock is way too good for Watson. He should have parthnered up with someone logically, for example: me.

End Of Chapter

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