Chapter 18 - The report - Part 2

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Twilight ran, busting into the thrown room. 

"Twilight? What news do you bring?" Celestia asked. Twilight was breathing hard, as were the rest. 

"I'll tell you what happened. (y/n) betrayed us all!" Rainbow yelled. Her head was wrapped up but she insisted to come. 

"What?" Celestia asked. 

"It's true princess. She turned on us." Fluttershy said. Celestia stood and walked over to Twilight.

"Let me see." She said, closing her eyes and putting her horn to Twilight's head. It glowed for a seconds, before Celestia moved and opened her eyes. 

"King Sombra will be calling upon a war." She said. Twilight her the fear in her eyes. 

"But Princess, we can defeat him. We did it once before not that long ago." Twilight said. Celestia shook her head. 

"I'm afraid not. Sombra has grew to powerful and if (y/n) truly has betrayed us, then she has told him all about you six and your elements." She said. The six gasped. 

"No! We will take them down, ow." Rainbow yelled but put a hoof to her head. Applejack walked over. 

"No, what you will do is go get help." She said and walked Rainbow from the room.

"Princess, is there nothing we can do?" Twilight asked. Celestia put a hoof to her Twilight's chin. 

"As long as we have hope and do not give in, there is always something we can do." She said. Twilight nodded.

"I will go to the library. Maybe there is something there." Twilight said and ran off. Celestia sighed and closed her eyes. 

"Um, Princess." Celestia heard and opened her eyes, seeing Fluttershy. 

"Yes young one." Celestia asked. Fluttershy flew over and kicked the ground with her hoof nervously.  

"Um, well you see, I saw, or rather heard something." She said. Celestia walked over to her. 

"Please tell me Fluttershy." She said. Fluttershy nodded.

"I heard him call (y/n) his pet. He also was very upset that we took her." She said. Celestia nodded. 

"Thank you. I noticed that too while looking into Twilight's memory's. It seems he has a weakness for her." She said. Fluttershy nodded. Celestia smiled at Fluttershy. 

"Go on and help Twilight or your other Friends." Celestia said. Fluttershy nodded and flew off. Celestia sighed and sat on her thrown. 

"If we don't stop King Sombra, Equestria will fall." She whispered.   

One ponies bad luck is another's good luck. (King Sombra x reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now