And now you kiss

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Season 2, episode 5 of 'Umbrella Academy' films today. My character was introduced three episodes before and it turns out she is a weird teen who are friends with the Hargreeve kids and funny enough, Five's love interest.

It's already 3pm for we all filmed a few scenes before hand but now it's a scene only containing my character, Five and Klaus.

"Klaus stop talking to ghosts and help us out here." Five complains.

"Ugh... the old Finnish guy is telling me about his town and how he got laid!" Klaus tried to justify himself.

"Can you two stop arguing! We are stuck in this basement and worst of all, I shouldn't even be here. This is you guys mission, not mine!" I yell, trying to stop the two, slightly afraid.

"Forget about Klaus. He's just high again... come on (Your/Character's/Name) let's find a way out." Five grabs my hand and we walk around the basement.

I blush, trying my best to help.

"You love birds..." Dante- I mean klaus says.

We ignore him and scan the room, only to lead to a dead end.

"We're gonna die!! Yay!" I cheer sarcastically and flop down on the dusty stool.

"AYEEE!!! More time for me and my new friend, Giovane! ... O! He's gonna to tell me about the time he almost got raped by a deer!" Klaus dances around.

Five sighs "(Y/C/N), don't worry. I will find a way out for us... just... be patient."


We all relax from out tense acting moment and look at the director.

"Very good guys, amazing. Love the improve Dante! Now, (Y/N) I want you to say how you can't be patient and are afraid about the current situation... oh and now you kiss." he directs us.

I blush heavily. This wasn't on the script. I've had a crush in Aidan but I didn't think we will kiss this soon. We aren't even dating. Oh gosh. We all nod.


I stand up quickly as soon as Five walks off to find an exit. "Wait! ... Five, I can't be patient because... I'm scared.."

Five smiles gently towards me and places his hand on my cheek. "Don't be. I'm here. If I'm here with you, nothing bad will ever come to you."

I lock eyes with him. Tension builds. We slowly move closer and closer. Then is happens. We kiss. Short but passionate. A kiss I never thought would happen.

As soon as we move apart and lightly touch foreheads Klaus just has to ruin it with clapping and cheering. "WHOOO!!! Finally, something happened between you two. Jesus, that took way too long." He laugh and scene ends.


Aidan Gallagher & Five Imagines Where stories live. Discover now