You are greater than me

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"(Y/N), wait up!" Your close friend calls as you run across the mall, bumping into multiple people passing by. Stopping to take a breather, your friend catches up to you.

"Why can't you speed up?" You joke.

"Why can't you look to where you are going?" They respond.

You giggle and sit down on the edge of one of those cubes like are a seat but don't look like one because it's a fancy mall.

"Sit with me." You pat the cube.

"Okay..." they sit and scroll through their phone.

"...Huh? Some famous teen actor guy is in the same mall as we are." Your friend comments.

"Well whoever they are, they can't beat me. For I'm the greatest!" You cheer and jump off the cube, awkwardly dancing.

"Nice moves." You friend laughs.

"Yeah, watch this!" You announce confidently and do the best dance moves you know, fully aware there is no music in the area.

On the other hand, you are also unaware that this famous dude you friend mentioned is on another cube in the same area watching. He smiles finding your silliness adorable and knowing that what he does next could be extremely awkward. So, he stands and heads your direction, watching as you dance your odd moves.

"Okay, okay. Final move!" You take two hops back and swing your arm around with full force, hitting some stranger forcing him to drop his bags.

"Im so so sorry!" You put you hands together in a pleading motion and dropping down trying pick up his things.

"No. My bad, I should apologise, I was heading your direction anyways." The stranger spoke in a voice you found oddly familiar.

You both stood up and finally look at his face. It's Aidan Gallagher. The actor from 'Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn' as well as from 'Umbrella Academy'. You couldn't believe it. You try to maintain your composure.

"Well if so, why are you headed to my direction?" You ask smugly.

"I thought your dancing was cute." He smiled, that adorable grin.

He called your dancing cute.

"Oh. Thank you!" You blush, politely giving thanks.

You friend couldn't wrap their mind on that current situation and just watch the whole event take place.

"I have to ask, why are you dancing when there is no music?" He tilted is head in a puppy dog like manner.

"My friend, over there, said some famous teen actor was in the area and I said I was greater, then started to dance." Said you whiles signalling to your pal.

"I see, well from your adorable moves you are greater than me." Aidan chuckles, smiling.

Anda, I'm calling you out. You better thank me.

More shall come.

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