Rick Savage - Oh Boy!

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Requested by @Summergirl1993

Rick and Sylvia are currently expecting their 4th child, they have 3 daughters already Madison Josie who is 8, Mia-Rose who is 5 and McKenna Stephenie who is 3, they haven't told the guys yet about there little bundle of joy... Next day at the studio

"Joe you won't hate me will you", Sav sighed..."No mate why what's up?" Joe asked curiously "Well erm i have some news erm pretty big news" Sav looked away from Joe and started to feel scared about what he needed to say....

Joe: "Rick you're my best friend you can tell me anything, you know that right" he touched Sav's shoulder and saw him flinch and knew it was pretty bad whatever his secret was but just as he was about to ask again 'what was up' the other guys walked and and so did Mutt and they had to get straight to work so Joe was gonna ask him when they were done but before he could ask... 

"Guys I have some erm news, this was what i was gonna say earlier Joe but i er ... i ...  i know you are gonna probably hate me and want me out of the band but i know i'm only 26 and i know you will probably think i'm stupid but er"....

"What's up Sav", Steve asked 

"Well erm i am gonna be a daddy again" Sav sighed....

"Oh Boy!" Mutt said 

"We aren't gonna kick you out of this band mate, it's your band and i'm happy for you" Joe said giving Sav a hug, they all came up and hugged Sav and congratulated him 

5 Months Later..... 

"Rick, I think my waters have just broken" Sylvia says pulling the covers off her and seeing a pool of water on the bed,  "It will be fine baby just keep breathing and i will ring Joe to come and have the girls" Sav  said with a smile,

A little while later there was a knock at the door and Sav answered and Joe was standing there, "Uncle Joe," Madison screamed and then ran over and gave him a hug, "Go on mate, hope everything goes smoothly" Joe said "Thanks Joe for this" "Anytime" Joe said with a a laugh 

"You ready baby" Sav asked "Yeah er i think so" Sylvia said with a slight smile 

Sav held her as they went to the car and as they got to the passanger side Sylvia had another contraction, "Come on babe breathe in and out and in and out" Sylvia did what Sav was saying and the contraction eased off and Sav helped her into the car and got in and drove the 20min journey to the hospital and he helped Sylvia through her contractions and they got taken to the delivery suite

"It's gonna be okay baby just breathe" Sav said, "Okay babe, i love you" Sylvia sighed with a smile, they didn't know the sex of the baby and this was same a sthe girls pregancies, "Rick i need your hand" "Yeah sure" so Rick held Sylvia's hand has she tried not pushing and tried to breathe, soon another contration came and this was worse then the rest "Rick i hate you so much OW" "It's fine baby cos i love you and i'm sorry this is so painful" "PAINFUL ARE YOU JOKING, THIS IS TORTURE" "Oh dear babe" "LET ME KICK YOU IN THE BALLS A MILLION TIMES AND THEN TELL ME IF IT'S PAINFUL" "It will be ok just breathe" just then the doctor came in to assess Sylvia, "Okay dear looks like it's time to push and meet your baby" "WHAT NOW" "Yeah so when i tell you to push do ok" the doctor said 

"Ok i love you Rick sorry for saying i hate you" Sylvia said "It's ok baby" Sav smiled back 

"Right come on i need to give me a big push now" 


"Well done now breathe between pushes" 

"Mmmm ok" Sylvia said breathlessly 

"Push Sylvia push"


"Right 2 more of them and your baby will be here"

"Come on baby you can do it"




Baby cries and the nurses wipe it clean, weigh it and wrap it up

"Congratulations here is your son"

"IT'S A BOY" Sav said crying 

"Yeah it is congratulations again"

"Thankyou Doctor" Sylvia said 

Sylvia and Rick were just admiring their newborn son and Rick got him dressed, he then rings Joe and asks if he can bring the girls in and Joe brings them and the boys come with Joe 

"So girlies this is your baby brother" Sav says 

"I have a brother?" Madison says while crying 

"Yeah baby you do" Sav says 

"Thankyou for making my wish come true" Madison says while giving Sav and Sylvia cuddle 

"Name?" Mia-Rose asks

"Name?" Sav asks 

"Of my brother, daddy" Mia says

"Oh right of course" Sav says 

"Hold daddy" McKenna asks holding her arms out and he goes to pick her up, "No baby hold" she says angry, so Sav helps her hold her baby brother and then Mia-Rose holds him next and then Madison, "So daddy what's his name?" Madison asks "We don't know yet" Sav says "How about you choose a name, baby" Sylvia says 

"Really i can name him" Madison says happily "Yeah baby girl it's your choice" Sav says and the lads and Sylvia are looking at Madison as she is thinking of what to call her baby brother.... 

"Ok i know what he will be called" Madison said after 10mins 

"What is his name, baby" Sav says   

"Morgan Richard Savage" Madison says 

"Beautiful name, darling" Sav smiles  

"It's perfect" Sylvia smiles 

Morgan Richard Savage born 29th November 1987, weighing 7lb 9oz 

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