Rick Savage - She Will Be Here Soon

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Requested by wintergirl1990

"I don't think I can do this it's too hard" Steffy says "You're doing really well babe, she will be here before we know it" Rick says "I have another contraction" She says grabbing his hand and squeezing it so tight "It's ok babe just breathe" He says "I'm trying" She says trying to slow a breathing down "Okay I'm just gonna check you" The midwife said "Oooh okay" Steffy says "Okay so we are at 5cm" She says "5 are you kidding me?" she says "Nope still a while to go yet" She replies

3hrs later....

"Ow it really hurts" Steffy says "I know babe" Rick says patting her head with a wet flannel "Give me your hand babe" She says "Okay" He replies holding her hand as she has another contraction, he looks away to the side to hide his expression but she is squeezing his hand so tight and then suddenly they heard a crack "Ooooh" Rick cried "I am so sorry" She says "It's fine" He says squeaking like a mouse, at this moment the midwife returns, she looks at his hand "What happened?" She asks "I squeezed his hand too much and then we heard a crack" She says "Erm yeah it's broken so are you gonna go get it sorted?" She asks "I don't think so I'm not going anywhere" He replies

4hrs later....

Steffy had been in labour for 27hrs, "I can't do this" She says "Yeah you can" Rick says "Right I need you to push again for me on your next contraction" The midwife says "Okay" Steffy replies and starts pushing and 2 seconds later the most magical sound filled the room, the baby cried "Congratulations here is your daughter" She says handing the baby to Steffy "Thank you" She replies "You're welcome, do you have a name for our system?" The midwife asks "Yeah she is called Sarah Jane Savage" She replies "Well done baby I'm so proud of you" Rick says

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