Chapter 7

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Jasmine POV

I had to leave. I was walking back to my house and my head was pounding.

This is turning out to be a really bad Tuesday evening.

I walk through my front door and I head to my bedroom. I put on a purple fuzzy sweater and grey sweatpants. I walk to the living room and turn on the tv.

10 minutes later I hear the doorbell ring.

I walk to the door and open it.

"Mike?" I say

"Hey Jas. Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?" he said

"Sure" I say smiling

He hands me flowers and walks away.

I close the door and smell the flowers.

"What did I just do" I say to myself

I put the flowers in a vase with water and I go to sleep.


I was at my locker and I hear footsteps walking up to me. I turn around to see Lindy

"Hey Linds!" I say

"Are you ok?" Lindy asks

"Never better" I say giving a smile

"Good" she says returning the smile

We lock our arms together and walk to my house.

"Let's get started on homework" Lindy said

"Alright" I say getting out my homework


Lindy POV

"What time is it?" Jas asks

"4:56. Why?" I ask

"I have a date" she said smirking

"With who?" I ask excitedly

"MIKE" she said happily

"Oh" I say disappointed

I thought she was going on a date with Logan.

"Help me get ready!" she says


"What about this?" I say holding a red sundress.

"Perfect!" Jasmine says, admiring the dress.

"Go try it on!" I say

"Ok" she says and walks into the bathroom

Jasmine POV

I change into the dress Lindy gave me to try on and it looked amazing. I walked out the bathroom door and entered my room with Lindy.

"Oh my gosh Jas!" she said

"Thanks Linds" I say smiling

"Let me do your makeup!" she said

"Alright" I say


Lindy finished my make up and she did an amazing job

"This means a lot Lindy" I say giving her a hug

I had an hour till my date with Mike.

Lindy and I decided to watch a movie.

I put on a scary movie and we sat on the couch until I heard a knock on my door.

"That's probably Mike" I say getting standing up

I open the door and I feel a pair of lips crash onto mine. I broke the kiss and I saw Logan.


I'm making the next chapter right now!

Hope you enjoyed and sorry I haven't updated sooner.

School gets in the way of my no-social life

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