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Lindy POV

I can't believe what I just read.

"Earth to Lindy!" Jasmine says

"This isn't happening" I say to myself

"What isn't happening?!" Jasmine asked

"L-Logan is in the hospital"

Jasmine quickly puts on her sneakers and runs out the bedroom.

I try following her but she was too quick.

I just stood there looking out the front door.

Watching Jasmine run to Garrett's house

I sighed. I went back into my room, put my shoes on, then got in my car


I was about to knock on Garrett's front door when I saw a note stuck to the door.

'If Lindy, Jasmine, or Delia is reading this at the moment, come to the hospital right now!'. I could tell Garrett wrote it because I recognized his handwriting.

I got in my car again and drove to the hospital


"I NEED TO SEE LOGAN WATSON RIGHT NOW" I yelled at the front desk lady

"Are you family?" she said calmly


"He's in room 141" she said

I RAN to Logan's room.

I see Jasmine looking out the little rectangular window from the hospital door.

I walk up to her and I hug her.

"It'll be ok" I say

"S-Someone pushed h-him onto the streets. A c-car hit him" she said, still looking at the window

I feel tears down my cheeks.

I barge in the room with Jasmine behind me.

"I want to see my brother" I said firmly

The doctors moved to the side so I can see Logan

Logan looked horrible. He had a cast on his left foot and a black eye.

"He's gonna be ok, right?" I ask the doctor

"Let's hope" he said then left the room

"Logan please wake up" Jasmine says

"Wait what does he mean by hope?" I say

I wanted answers so I chased the doctor until he's talk to me.

Jasmine POV

I was still in Logan's hospital room while Lindy chased that doctor.

I found a chair near Logan's bed.

I decided to sit in it. I was looking around and I saw file papers on a desk.

I walk to the desk and read the papers.

'Hit by a car. Fractured leg, black eye'

He got pretty lucky that he didn't die or get really injured.

"Jas?" I hear

I turn around and I see Logan waking up

"LOGAN!" I yell

I run to his bed and I try to hug him.

"I feel icky" he said

"I know you do" I say sitting down in the chair

"Can you tell me what happened?" I ask

"All I remember was being pushed by someone and then seeing two bright lights heading my way" he said

"Did you see that someone?" I ask

"It was a girl. I know that for sure. She had long hair too." he said trying to remember


Logan POV

A few days passed since the accident and the hospital finally let me go home.

It was Sunday so I had school tomorrow.

Our house was much better and my parents were still on their business trip

I was laying on my bed listening to music.

I hear a knock on my door

"Hey Logan" I hear.

I look over and see Lindy

"I have something to tell you"


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I tried making it good but...😂

BTW do not forget about Rebecca....



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