Two Weeks of Delia: part 2

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Jasmine POV

I was sitting at our cafeteria table on the last day of school!

We had one more week with Delia and today was Friday.

I was going on a date with Logan tonight. He wouldn't tell me where because it was a surprise.

Delia, Lindy, Logan, and Garrett were sitting with him

"Where's Zack?" Lindy asked

"I don't know. I'm going to the bathroom" I say

"I'll come with you" Delia says and we walk out the doors of the cafeteria


We were about to walk in the girl's bathroom when Delia grabbed my arm

"What?" I ask

"I found Zack" Delia says and points to a couple making out against the wall

Delia and I exchange looks and we run back to the cafeteria.

We made it through the doors and we make our way to Lindy

"Lindy! You are never going to believe what we saw!" Delia said

"What?" she asked confused

"We saw Zack cheat on you with Bailey White" I say

"What?" she said heartbroken

"We were about to walk into the girls bathroom and Delia saw them, ya'know, making out" I say

"I can't believe him" Lindy said

After those words, Logan, Delia and I saw something we did not expect

Garrett put his lips right on Lindy's

A few seconds passed and they separated.

Lindy and Garrett look at each other like they knew they were meant to be.

"I have to go" Garrett said then ran out of the cafeteria

I look over to Lindy who's smiling

"Woah" I say sitting back in my chair next to Logan

"Shouldn't someone go get Garrett?" Delia said sitting back in her seat as well

"Give him a minute." Logan said wrapping his arms around me

"You sure" I say

"Positive" he says giving me a kiss on my forehead

"What was that for?" I ask

"I don't know. I just love you a lot" he responds

"Awwww" Lindy and Delia say together


I was at my house trying to figure out what to wear for me and Logan's date tonight

I was looking thru my closet when I found the perfect thing to wear.

I decided on wearing a blue sundress with white wedges.

I put that on and walked to the bathroom to do my hair.

I curled my hair, than tied it up in a ponytail. I put a blue bow where the

hair-tie is.

I finished getting ready so I decided to sit down and wait for Logan.


A few minutes passed when I heard the doorbell ring.

I figured it was Logan so I walked to the door and opened it. Logan was standing in front of me holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Ready?" he asked

"Yeah, let's go" I say then I shut door behind me


We arrived at the secret destination but Logan blindfolded me the whole way there.

He guided me somewhere and then he said,


"Unblind me" I say

He takes off the blindfold and I see a picnic blanket set out with a picnic basket.

"Logan, this is beautiful" I say sitting down

"Just like you" he says then sits next to me

He hands me a cheese sandwich and a juice box

"Thank you" I say then I start eating

After we both finished eating he takes out a bag of grapes.

"I've seen this happen in movies" he says

I couldn't help but laugh.

Logan takes a grape, throws it in the air, and catches it in his mouth

"My turn!" I say

I throw the grape but it misses my mouth

"You're just not as talented as me" Logan says

"I guess" I say giving up

I look around the park and I see a playground near by

"Let's go to the playground!" I say then I drag him up

"Alright" he says then we start walking together, hand in hand

I let go if his hand and I start picking up speed

"You wanna race?" he says

"Oh you know I do" I say

At this point I was sprinting but Logan was catching up

I looked behind me and he was right behind me

I pick up speed because I'm close to the park.

I finally made to the swing set, feeling accomplished because I beat Logan

Logan came a few seconds after me

"Wow you're fast" he says out of breath

"Well, I did do track last year" I say

We look at each other then I realized we were at the park

"Wanna swing me?" I say walking towards the swing

"Sure" he says following me

I sit down on the swing and Logan begins to push me

"I think Garrett likes Lindy" I say as Logan pushes the swing

"So do I. It's amazing how quickly she got over Zack by one little kiss"


I check the time and it was getting late

"We should go back" I say jumping off the swing

"Ok. Let's go" he says and grabs my hand

And there we were. Walking back,

hand in hand.


Hey guys!

If I get 5 votes on this chapter, I'll do 5 facts about me!!

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