Waking the Dead 02

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"This isn't a good idea Sir." The voice was accompanied by the biting cold that always clung to the dead like a cloak.

"I know Corporal." he muttered, glancing up at the soldier standing by his bed. 

Dressed in full combat gear, gun in his hand, the soldier looked almost alive...with the exception of the large bloody hole where his right eye once was. 

"Turn back Sir." came another voice, another victim of the current war, though he wasn't in combat gear, but his fatigues, shrapnel and burn marks from an explosion marred his face and body.

Corporal Mark Keegan, and Sergeant Charlie Song, had been men Taehyung served with, had been close with, could even consider friends. They'd both been following him for a while since he'd returned from overseas.

"I can't Sergeant. I came back to protect him." Tae's breath puffed out in cold clouds as he fought the urge to shiver, the longer the two stayed the lower the temperature dropped.

"Be careful Sir." Keegan said as he began to fade away. Tae smiled as Song began to fade as well.

Alone again he looked back to the file he really didn't need to read anymore. "House of the Dead." he mumbled before he sighed, tossing the file aside and slipping into bed, after all, he would definitely need all the energy he could get for tomorrow.




It was early, they had left at six hoping to beat traffic. Tae settled in the back, Jungkook beside him. Jin, whom Jungkook introduced him to earlier, was seated ahead of them, the auburn haired male, whom he was told by Jin and Jungkook was Kim Namjoon, sat in the front with Dr. Lee May.

It didn't take long for Jin's curiosity to get the better of him. "Jungkook tells me you see the dead, is that true, I mean,  do you really see ghosts?"

"Yes, I see the dead, wouldn't really call them ghosts though."

Jin looked impressed and excited. "Do they talk, or just sorta follow you around?"

Tae nodded. "Some do, other's don't."

Jin was intrigued. "Do some follow you, like are there some you see over and over again?"

"Sure, I guess...some I see more than once."

"What do they look like? I mean, are they like the dead portrayed in anime, or are they the dead like in the Sixth Sense?"

"Sixth Sense." Tae said quietly.

Jin and Jungkook gasped.

"Oh wow, so they looked the way they did when they died." Jin shivered at the thought of seeing such a thing.

"Are some of them bad, like do they want to hurt you?" Jungkook whispered, looking nervous and intrigued.

"Not that I've seen, the dead just are." 

"That's so cool." Jin said softly, almost in awe. "I'm an empath, I can sense and feel the emotions of people and places." 

"Places?" Jungkook asked curiously.

Jin nodded as he explained. "If an emotion is strong enough, it can be imprinted on a room. For instance, a husband and wife get into a heated argument, and in a fit of anger the husband aggressively pushes his wife, causing her to fall and hit her head on the corner of the island's marble countertop, killing her instantly. Driven by fear and panic at having accidentally murdering his wife, he disposes of her body. All that emotion, the anger, the fear, the panic, it all gets imprinted on the room. Think of the room as a sponge, soaking all those feelings into itself. I could walk into the room years later and feel the emotions, see the memory as clearly as if it's happening right before my eyes. As the saying goes, ' the walls have eyes and ears.'"

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