18| meeting + they were getting it on

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Rider called us all over to his house because of something 'important'. No offense, but I don't think this will actually be anything serious. I mean, who are we kidding here? RIDER IS THE OPPOSITE OF SERIOUS!

Glad to get that out of your system, Hailey?

Shut up.

Make me.

You're my mind, I can make you do anything I want.


Okay, I might need to check into a mental institution soon... I mean, I'm having a fight with my brain for gosh sakes! Yeah, I might need to check in to a good one, one that can actually make me normal. Wait, I don't want to be normal. Normality is freaking scary.

I parked my car along the street to Rider's house. Did I forget to mention I'm allowed to drive again? WOOT WOOT! Sorry... I'm just really excited. I knew some people that could pull a little slippity slip and get me my license back.

Sometimes, I do wonder if my mom dropped me on the head as a child. Trust me, I wouldn't be surprised. Wait... maybe Cayden dropped me on the head. Yeah, I really need to check out an institution and fast. I walked up Rider's driveway after locking my new car. I was about to ring the doorbell to his house when the door immediately flew open. Seth stood there.

"I think Rider may or may not be going mental right now..." He explained.

Phewf. Not the only one.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Since when is he not mental?" I asked.

"No, seriously. He's freaking everybody out..." Seth said quickly.

I was curious and confused, but I walked in, Seth shutting the door behind me.

"Okay, where's his room?" I asked.

"Upstairs," Dustin suddenly said, walking in from the living room.

I walked into the living room and saw Dan sitting there.

"Is he really freaking you people out that bad?" I laughed.

"Yes," Dustin and Dan said simultaneously.

"O–kay, then. I'll just go take a look an–"

"Wait, I must warn you," Seth interrupted, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I stared at him, basically urging him on.

"Up there is something so scary, it can scar you for life, and you might not make it ou–"

"Shut up and step aside, partner. I'm going upstairs to see what you all are freaking out about," I interjected, pushing him to the side and running up the stairs.

Hmm... there are a lot of rooms. I just need to find which room is his. All they said was "upstairs". Yeah, that piece of information is SOOO helpful. NOT! I walked over to the first door on my left.

Hey, it could be his, you know. Besides, if it was anywhere I shouldn't be in... or somebody else is busy inside, the door would be locked. I pushed down the handle, happy to find that it wasn't locked. Yay, this had to be his room.

"Rider, what–"

What I saw, would never be able to be unseen. This wasn't Rider's room. This was so far from it. The pair didn't even notice me as they were so busy... I can't even say this. This is his parents' room for sure... THEY WERE MAKING OUT AND AGH! I couldn't hold it back anymore. I screamed louder than I have ever screamed before, causing the two to jump and stare at me in alarm. I slammed the door shut and flew down the stairs. Seth, Dan, and Dustin were all at my side immediately.

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