07| let's be bad + new puppy

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My alarm clock sounded, alerting me that I needed to get up in order to get ready for school. Haha, no. I am seriously not feeling up for school today. Beep, beep, beep, beep. The alarm clock continued to be a nuisance and so I flung my arm across the nightstand without opening my eyes, trying to make it stop. Crash. Oh, hehe. I guess that wasn't the best idea a person could've thought of. I popped open my eyes and stared at the now bare nightstand.

"Uh oh..." I muttered under my breath and leaned off the side of the bed.

I stared at the now broken pieces of the alarm clock spread across the wood floor of my bedroom. Ah, chiz. My mom bought me that. Hide the evidence, Dan! HIDE IT! My brain urged, but I shoved my face back into my pillow.

"Wofe ma uf tomoffor," I groaned into my pillow, making 'wake me up tomorrow' not sound exactly as I had planned.

"What was that crash!?" My mother screamed from what sounded like downstairs.

Shoot. I flung out of bed...also another bad idea as I ended up landing on my face. I groaned and got up, quickly shoving the whole broken thing under my bed, along with any other pieces that may have snapped off. Um... I leaped back into bed and shoved some blankets over myself. Gosh, I will never hear the end of this. I heard my door burst open.

"DANIEL NICHOLAS GREENE! WHAT WAS THAT NOISE!?" My mother screamed in outrage.

I started to fake snore in hopes to get her to leave.

"I know you're not sleeping. Do I look like I was born yesterday!?" She snapped.

"Well actually, Daniel cannot see you right now. He also isn't here right now, so if you could be a dear and leave a message after the tone. Uh, beeeepppp," I said, mimicking what an answering machine would usually do.

I heard a light flicker on and felt the blankets being thrown off of me and to the ground. I stared at my outraged mother and smiled.

"Good morning, mother, did you um, leave a message?" I asked, trying to maybe ease the tension a little bit.

"I'm not playing games here, Daniel. Now, what was that cra- OH MY GOODNESS, WHERE IS YOUR CLOCK!?" My mom broke into a surpised scream at the end.

Dang it.

"What alarm clock??" I asked, trying to do what I saw in a movie once.

"Daniel, you know what alarm clock I am talking about," She told me sternly.

"I've never had an alarm clock..." I continued.

"DANIEL NICHOLAS—!" My mother began to scream before I immediately cut her off.

"Woah, woah, girl, save your energy. We might be able to catch a bite later," I said.


"AGH WRONG MOVIE!!!!" I screamed suddenly.

My mother stared at me with her jaw dropped.

"It's what I say to my phone..." I admitted hiding my face in my hands.

Man, oh man did that sound sooo wrong. I mean, I SAID IT TO MY MOTHER!

"Where's your alarm clock?" She said sternly, after a very awkward silence.

"Under my bed," I said, finally just deciding it was just best if I told her.

"Now, why would it be under your bed?" My mother asked suspiciously, leaning down under my bed.

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