20| lost puppy + the return

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I went to the only place that could possibly make me happy at the moment, the mall. Yes, the mall. It's my happiness. My meaning to live, even. I like to laugh in the girls' faces whom actually prefer that stupid Starbucks to shopping at a nice mall. Seriously, come on. Starbucks' coffee is way too cheap in taste and is SO last season. There, I said it. I hopped out of my car only to groan when I realized I brought no wallet... and no money.

"I absolutely despise mankind right about now," I muttered angrily.

I rolled my eyes when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. At least I didn't forget more than just money. I whipped it out and stared at the screen. I was going to start angrily spamming whoever texted me, but I froze when I realized who had texted me. Nah, he doesn't deserve to be spammed. Yeah... at least not today. Key word there folks is NOT TODAY! Doesn't mean I'm not going to do it to him one day.

I changed everyone in my contacts' names since originally, the boys had been weird with emojis. I would've kept them, but I'm in this stage, now, where I hate emojis. Weird, I know.

5:49 PM

Dusty the Dusto: Hey, where are you?

You: Guess

Dusty the Dusto: I hate you.

You: No you don't. You love me.

Dusty the Dusto: Yea, I guess I do.

Dusty the Dusto: Shoot, srry. That was for my friend.

You: What friend? I'm like, your only friend.

Dusty the Dusto: Wrong. I texted Dan.

You: Oh really?

Dusty the Dusto: Yup!

You: What did he ask/say to u?

Dusty the Dusto: He said that we should probably forgive Seth.

You: Excuse me?

Dusty the Dusto: ....

You: Forgive him for what!?

Dusty the Dusto: uh....

You: You better tell me. I will hunt u down till the ends of the blasted Earth if I have to mr.

Dusty the Dusto: He cracked Rider's phone and totally made him flip out.

You: U better not be lying to me.

Dusty the Dusto: I'm not.

You: Ugh fine. I still think u r. Anways, I'm at the mall near my house.

Dusty the Dusto: That's so far away

You: Well, too bad.

Dusty the Dusto: But I can't driveeeeeeeee

You: Aheh -smirks- you think I don't already know that?

Dusty the Dusto: Fine. I'll get revenge.

You: Oooh I'm scared -rolls eyes-

Dusty the Dusto: I sense sarcasm. But trust me, you better b scared.

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone back into my pocket. Haha, it was kind of cute how Dustin actually thinks he can find something to get revenge towards me with. Classic.

I looked over to the building. Was I supposed to wait here for that slow-poke or...? I mean, he probably has some money, he'd just have to be able to lend a friend money. I guess I think long or something because I was immediately alarmed by the honking of a car. I looked up and my eyes went wide. No. He. Didn't.

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