Aesthetically, unfortunate.

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You and Bakugo had arrived after 30 minutes at the aesthetician's office. It had a lovey storefront, and an adorable pink-haired girl working the front desk. The waiting room was well organized and kitschy. It made you smile.

"Hi, I'm Y/N Sangoshō, I have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Maritza..." your voice wandered off as you saw the receptionist's eyes leave your face and linger on Bakugo's, who was standing close behind you.

"Ah yes, you're right on time, would you like your boyfriend to wait out here or...?" His face went crimson at her words, but you smiled graciously.

"I'd love to have him with me during the procedure. If possible?" You interlaced your fingers with his at that moment, you were going to sell this image, it would potentially keep you safer if people thought you had a big, scary boyfriend. She nodded in response and led the two of you to the back appointment room.

"Boyfriend? You just went with it?" Bakugo asked softly after she'd left you alone.

"Yeah, this procedure might leave me pretty defenseless, I'd rather tell a small lie that this tough and scary man is my boyfriend, than appear to be completely defenseless. Also, it's 9 times out of 10, just easier to go with the flow. You might enjoy yourself for once." You smiled cheekily as you relaxed in the big examining chair. Bakugo sat off to the side, absolutely perplexed. Before he could ask a clarifying question, your phone went off. You picked it up, Mirio was finally calling you back.

"Hey Mirio! How're you doing today?" You asked immediately, concern apparent.

"Hey cutie! I'm sorry I didn't answer, I've been on an airplane for the past 16 hours!" Your brain short circuited. What?

"Uh.. what? Why?" You finally asked after nearly a minute of silence.

"Oh! I didn't tell you? I guess not, but I'm in the United States for the foreseeable future. There's a doctor here that might be able to reverse some aspects of Eri's quirk. How'd the procedure go?" You were elated and shocked and upset all at the same time. He could potentially be fixed, but he was going to be in... America?

"Oh wow, yeah that's a big thing. I wish I would've known. Would've made a point to see you yesterday before you left..." your voice nearly cracked, Bakugo picked his head up immediately. Why were you so sad, what direction was this phone-call going?

"I know love, and I'm mad at myself for not telling you sooner. It was kind of secret, and I kinda forgot to tell you... please don't be mad!" He sounded serious and playful at the same time, and it was making your brain freak out.

"Oh, and I just sat in the chair, appointment starts soon." You added quietly.

"Oh awesome! I'll let you get ready for that, send me lots of pictures when you're done, ok?" His voice was happy and playful again.

"Yeah, you got it Mirio. Have fun in the states, I love you." You felt really dejected, despite his upbeat attitude, and joy, and your endless love for him, you felt hollow inside at this new development. How could he have forgotten to tell you?

"I love you more Y/N. Be safe, and I'll talk to you soon, ok, goodnight babe!" And with that you said goodnight and hung up on him. Your chest hurt.

Bakugo was at your side instantaneously.

"What's wrong?!" He was waving his hands around, as if not sure what to do with them at all. It was then that you realized you'd been crying.

"Oh, it's nothing big Bakugo. Something Mirio and I have to work through. Ah, look at this mess. Whoops! Can't be a crying mess for Dr. Maritza, can you hand me a tissue? Thank you!" You forced a smile onto your face, and wiped your tears from your eyes. You clasped your hands and sighed loudly, you couldn't break down at this moment. Later. In your room was fine.

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