This makes more sense

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You went to pull away. Despite the conflicting emotions running through you, whatever had existed between you and Mirio was now gone. Disengaging from the hug you tried harder to escape his arms. His arms snakes tighter around you.

"Mirio, let go of me. I don't want you to touch me anymore." You raised your voice, anger apparent. Bakugo steppes towards the two of you, now understanding that this was no longer a desired interaction.

"Hey, fuckface. Let go of her." He stepped towards the two of you, his hands beginning to pop threateningly. He nearly froze in fear, the smile looking at him was not one that Mirio could ever produce.

A sharp pain radiated from your shoulder blade, you shoved Mirio away from you, the object tearing through muscle as you tossed him away from you. Realization hit.

Giant syringe, blood, the face of someone you knew and could easily gain access to UA and the dorm. It was not Mirio, it was Toga.

"Awww what gave it away?" She began to return to herself, Mirio's face melted away. She had a large vial of your blood, and you couldn't let her get away, and you most certainly couldn't let her get your blood. Blood splattered the floor, this was not looking very optimistic for you.

Turning briefly to face Bakugo, his enraged red eyes glowed. He couldn't get hurt, you decided internally. You smiled softly at him before your body was engulfed in your green scaly armor. You slammed your dorm room shut, locking an enraged and confused Bakugo in your room.

"Toga, it's always nice to see you. Oh wait. No it's not." She went to lap up some of your blood that had sprayed onto her arm and hand. Your fist connected immediately with her chin, slamming her jaw shut. She had barely missed biting her own tongue off, you regretted not moving faster.

"Too bad Y/N, I was really hoping for some more action while I was in his body... it's unfortunate UA dorms don't have more standing bodies of water. Looks like you'll have to really muscle through this fight. Ooooh maybe I'll get more blood!" She'd jumped further down the hall, putting some distance between the two of you.

Internally smirking, you thanked whatever higher power watched over you for never exposing the true extent of your quirk to the LOV. You sealed off the hall with the moisture in the air, and the standing water in the bathrooms. No one would interfere.

The vial exploded. Your blood on the floor and on Toga had disappeared from her line of sight. "Surprise bitch" you bared your teeth at her. She wouldn't get to keep or taste any of your blood. You charged her, emboldened by your rage and knowledge that she couldn't get your blood now, you began to slam your fists against her body. A sharp kick to her stomach had her coughing up her own blood.

You threw her against the wall. She slumped to the floor you towered over her. You could kill her this time. No one could stop you.

"Do it. Kill me. You've always wanted to kill. You've always wanted to be just like us." She choked up at you. Blood being coughed up with her words. They froze you. If you killed her, you were no longer a pinnacle of heroism. You'd be a vigilante, or even worse, a villain. You drew back. What could you do? You could restrain her because then you'd have to turn her in in this broken state. They'd know you did this. They'd know you had a problem. You'd lose your pro hero position, provisional license, everything you'd worked so hard for. In that moment, you made a decision.

"You're right. Maybe I am like you deep down, but this is me, making the active decision to not be like you. Because being a villain is a choice. I might struggle with this on a daily basis, but I have always chosen to be a hero." You unsealed the bathroom door, it was empty, you dragged Toga by her collar, she wasn't fighting you for some reason. You opened the window, turned on the faucet, and let the water run.

"Toga. I have a problem. But, I'm not just releasing it onto the world. No I shouldn't do this or think the way I do sometimes, but I'm the end, I've always made the right choice. People have had to help me a lot, to push me in the right direction. But in the end, I've stayed a hero. Think about that Toga. You don't have to... ya know... you don't have to go down this path forever. You can choose a new one." The words came out. They kept coming out. Why were you telling a villain what to do? Why weren't you turning her in? Why did you feel so connected to her in this moment? Your chest heaved with a muffled sob. You felt so similar to this villain, it pained you deeply. How could a Hero be a Villain?

"Now, I'm going to send you further from the school, and I'm going to alert my agency of your location. You'll have a choice to make in that moment. Wait for arrest or not to. The choices are yours to make Toga. I hope I never have to see you like this again." And with those words, she was lifted up and out of the window on a floating puddle. She was sent flying on the water disc outside of UA boundaries, deep into the wilderness outside of town. Releasing her. You let her disappear from your consciousness.

You closed the window, released your scales, sent the blood you'd collected down the drain, and overall released your quirk. Walking from the bathroom to your room, you opened your door and buried your head into the infuriated Bakugo's chest. Tears flowing once more. His body stiffened, what did he need to do now? You weren't bleeding too much anymore, but now you were crying...

"Thank you Bakugo. Could you take me to Recovery Girl? I'm going to need to talk to her about some things." With those words, your friend, carried you, for the second time in two weeks, to the nurse. He didn't understand what was happening, but he didn't need to, all he needed to do was take care of you. 

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