A day at the Beach

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The van finally rolled to a complete and final stop, the A/C turned off, and the two adults disembarked the van within seconds, rallying the troops and grabbing their own luggage. You finally began to wake up, feeling very warm and comfortable. When your yellow eyes finally opened, you were greeted by two intense red eyes and an agape mouth. You smiled sleepily at Bakugo and unbuckled your seatbelt. You wouldn't comment or think about how cuddled up the two of you had been, apparently your angry explosion friend hadn't realized how snuggable he was.

His eyes watched your combined morning and I-just-slept-curled-up-in-a-ball-in-a-car stretch. You sounded like a cat when you breathed through the stretch, well, Bakugo thought you did. Everyone else thought you sounded more like a quiet seagull.

"Scoot your butts team, you're wasting daylight." You heard your teacher call from outside, despite calling to the van, his eyes were glued somewhere else. You smirked, knowing that he was enjoying a private show that was only visible to his eyes. You pinched Bakugo, and he cursed at you, but he did slide out of his seat and helped you from the van. Everyone made a mad dash for the changing stalls. Your relaxing beach day had finally begun!

You and the girls were chatting incessantly while changing into your bikinis, everyone giddy with excitement for the many activities the beach had to offer. Exiting the changing room, you realized that your back and neck tattoos were visible, and your spine stiffened. Not everyone knew about them, and you didn't want to explain them to every single person. You pulled a T-shirt on over your emerald green bikini, disappointed that you'd forgotten about them, but resolved to keep those tattoos secret from a few people.

"Y/N, whats with the shirt?" Mina asked, she'd forgotten about seeing the permanent art on your back during the impromptu photo shoot.

"I just realized I haven't put sunscreen on, sensitive skin!" You briefly lied. It wouldn't last long, someone would apply it in moments and you'd be found out. "I'm going to apply some in there, I'll be right back." You reentered the changing room and stripped out of the shirt. The curly haired woman appeared behind you, you watched her just materialize in the mirror's reflection.

"I can help with those tattoos, it's why Aizawa brought me along." Her voice was quiet, but everything else was loud, her black one-piece accentuated the fact that she was an adult. Her dark curls were pulled out of her face and tied up with a... capture scarf?! "And there you are. No one but me and Aizawa will see them. I'll release them from my quirk once we are in the car ride home. Ok?" You spun around, and she was right, the trident and vertical letters had disappeared, as had the three images below your breast. You turned to thank the woman, but she had disappeared again, but you swore you could hear her giggling.

You ran back out of the changing room and threw your stuff onto the group's beach towels. Immediately sprinting towards the ocean.

"WAHOOOO!" You hollered as you jumped and dove into the water, despite it being shallow, you weren't worried, you zoomed through the water. This was a new beach, you hadn't been here before and you just had to get to know every crevice before you would feel adequately safe about your friends adventuring out in the water.

Fifteen minutes later, you were back on the beach. Everyone else was in a line, applying sunscreen to their shoulders and backs. Practicing safe sun was important! You clapped your hands when you finally reached your friends. Tsu rolled her eyes preemptively at your enthusiasm, she was wearing a blue surf shirt over her blue and yellow bikini. Indeed the two of you owned a lot of clothing with the others coloring, but neither could help that both of your favorite colors included, blue, yellow, and green!

"Alright team, we are safe to swim and play in the water from that rocky structure to the 6th lifeguard station. There aren't any undercurrents and nothing terribly worrisome about that. Only go about a mile out, it gets tougher to swim and I can't guarantee that there are no creatures in that range." You smiled gleefully at your friends, Mina, Todoroki, Denki, and Sero had no idea how prolific of a swimmer you were.

"Alright mom," teased Uraraka. She looked gorgeous in her pink and grey bikini, and you weren't the only one who agreed. Her electric lover boy couldn't tear his eyes away from her figure, who could blame him, she looked amazing! On your initiative, Tsu, Uraraka and Izuku sprinted into the waves, ready to splash around and swim. Mina was languidly relaxing on the shore, her daisy yellow bikini showed her glorious figure off as well, Sero and Kirishima flanked her, sunglasses on, their goal was to soak up as many rays as possible. Bakugo, Denki, Iida, and Jiro were playing soccer on the sand, Todoroki was the referee, he'd made goal posts of ice to help organize the impromptu game. Jiro was wearing a glorious purple one piece that had cross crossed straps down the back, she had put her shorts back on to play against the boys.

Every single boy on the trip looked absolutely muscled, and Mina, the one who had decided to relax patiently on the beach, got to enjoy every bit of it. Her four classmates in the water were too busy racing through a maze of water you'd created to enjoy anyone's muscles, Jiro was too busy kicking ass to notice anything, but Mina.... she had the time and desire to take stock on every student present. Iida was a surprise to her, despite being the bully but nerdy class President, he was absolutely jacked. His chest chiseled from pure alabaster. Denki and Sero were built similarly, lean muscle through and through, not bad to look at but not the same. Kirishima and Bakugo looked absolutely insane with their defined abs and lean but muscles arms. She wasn't surprised though, their hero costumes were pretty revealing. Shouto was still in a white T-shirt, but she could see his strong back muscles, his shirt was pretty sweaty, and that meant it clung to him. Then finally, there was Izuku. The green haired boy was a scarred Greek God. His arms and chest had an array of marks, but it took nothing away from his impressive muscles. After thoroughly gawking at everyone, Mina smirked and wiped the tiniest bit of drool from her lips, rolling to a seated position she turned to her co-sunbathers.

"Come on team, let's go join those losers in the ocean." And she dashed for the waves without hearing a response. Kirishima slowly rolled onto his back and stood up even slower. They'd been laying there for a while, and made his way into the ocean where everyone was body surfing. Sero stayed laying down. He would've loved to have joined them in the water, but didn't want to have uneven tan lines, and he had 5 more minutes of laying on his stomach before he'd join.

He turned his head to where Mina had been originally laying, a sweaty and red faced Bakugo plopped down in her stead, followed by a heavily breathing Denki. The rest of the soccer players ran to join you in the ocean.

"It's hot as balls out here man!" Denki complained to his friends, wiping another forehead of sweat off.

"Yeah but that's not the only hot thing about this beach." Sero joked back, he was eyeing up Bakugo's stare, he had a feeling he knew who his friend was watching so intently, but he decided he could get a definitive answer by teasing the explosive boy. "Have you ever seen anyone look that good in green? Damn! Y/N is hot. Think she'd go on a date with me?" He side eyed Bakugo, who had gone from intense staring at you to a murderous glare at Sero.

"Hey man, use your words. I don't speak Baku-glare." Sand was thrown and Sero now found himself being pulled from his towel and hoisted over Bakugo's shoulder.

"Hey Denki, let's take this boy for a swim, what say you?" Bakugo laughed at Sero's panicked expression as the three of them barreled into the ocean. This surprised Sero, Bakugo didn't explode in rage, he'd responded to the joke with another joke. Despite being bombarded with waves, Sero sighed with happiness. The weekend was an absolutely glorious thing.

Before Sero could get too comfortable in the waves, someone gripped his wrist tightly, "But so help me god Sero, if you hit on Y/N I'll make sure you'll be spitting up sand for a week!" And with that, the interaction was complete, not even a relaxing trip to the beach could put Bakugo on his best behavior.

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