Broken Dreams

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Not all men are created equal, this is something I had to learn the hard way. I'm quirkless but that doesn't mean I'm useless, doesn't mean I can't save people. Once upon a time, people didn't have quirks to protect themselves. People had to fight to protect, had ways to protect themselves. Why do people say I can't do the same?

Hey, I'm izuku and as I said before I'm quirkless. This use to be something that held me back, something I got bullied for. Kachan, a childhood friend/bully is someone i looked up to while he looked down at me. Our relationship was great when we were kids, innocent friendship turning sour. Kachan got a quirk I didn't and slowly we drifted apart. I kept trying to become his friend again but I wasn't the only stubborn one. I don't know why but he didn't seem to like me. I also don't know why I'm so obsessed with him but whatever. After I found out I was quirkless I didn't really know what to do. I was a kid after all. I still wanted to be a hero just didn't know how. It wouldn't be until I was 7 that u hit gold. I was researching more hero's because as you already know I really like them. I got so far deep in to the research of hero's that I clicked on a link that took me to a website that pages of the beginnings of of the hero industry. It told of a time were no one had quirks yet the kind of jobs they had were still dangerous. Talked about wars and the the corruption of the world before. It went into detail on the causes quirks had in the world how it almost ran into distraction and how powerful figures rose either to try to unite the world again, to gain power or both. I kept reading not amazed at how much  information was on here, a little to much information when I think about it. I was to busy indulged by it to actually see that this shouldn't be a the web, not this much information at least. But as a kid these things don't usually click.
The website had some shady information, cases on people fighting with "supernatural powers" as we now call quirks. What caught my attention was how people back then did things that would seem impossible without quirks now. I decided to look deeper since it almost seems impossible that people did crazy things like that before they even had quirks. The dealer I got the more I find out. Pictures of body builders and competitions of people run at amazing and fast pase. This got me thinking... What if I worked my body to be able to go to I to with people with quirks. At first it sounds crazy but when I thought about it more there are plenty of people with quirks that's don't necessarily help them in the strength department. Now that I think about it there's this one hero, eraser head, who erases someone's quirk for a while and fights them. His quirk gave him an advantage sure but he still needed to have skills in fighting to be able to do that, who says I can't do that? With that thought I started getting not just my body but also my mind ready. I made my own workout routine and a meal plan to gain some fat and chisel it to muscle. I also need to gain money, while being in shape is necessary I also need to buy some equipment to help me out. I had a lot of things to do if I wanted to catch up, but I'll be damned if I didn't try.
Time skip~
As of now I'm in my last year of middle school and I've gone far in my quest of being the first quirkless hero. You may not understand how expensive support equipment is but damn that ish expensive. Hard getting a job to. With school, a job, and going to a dojo to learn different types of fighting skill I was packed. Good thing I did this over a course of years. Me and kachan's relationship hasn't gotten any better but it hasn't gotten worse. I no longer take bullies taunts and I hold my stand more, i guess kachan saw that and respected it at least. I've gotten a hold on my weapons most of them I had to make myself. I learned how to make weapons with thrown away to rash from a beach since it was cheaper. I made sure that learned about the quirks of hero's and villians writing them down in my now volume 30 notebook. I wasn't playing games, I was determined to fight along side hero's. Right now I'm in class, the teacher started talking about careers for the future and just throws the paper in the are say some bull like I know you guys want to be hero's or something. Not everyone here can be hero's and maybe some people don't even want to be one ever think about that. Of course I don't say this out loud. The teacher though had the audacity to point out that I wanted to go to U.A after kachan bragged about being the only one to make from this dump of a school. Everyone turned around to me and for a moment there was silence until everyone burst out laughing. I just looked down trying to not bring anymore attention to me as it is. I expected kachan to say something, well more like scream but nope nothing he just sat down with a glare directed to me and then turned his head around and never looked back for the rest of the class. Once class did end however kachan trapped me with his group. He grabs my notebook from my hands and gives me a glare smirking asking how I plan on saving anyone without a quirk I don't reply to him just waiting for it to be over when suddenly he exploded my notebook throwing it out the window behind him. I didn't flinch but it did hurt that he still doing this bull to me. I still don't know what I did to make him hate me. I kept still glaring behind him not looking straight at his eyes but not looking down. After a while he turned around and started to leave but before that he said something that hurt more than his explosion ever could, "if you want a quirk so badly jump off the building and pray you get a quirk I the afterlife", the he stomped away not looking back. I fell on my knees with tears falling down my face, I'm miss the olden days when we were just kids playing hero, when we were still friends. Even after all this why do I still want to be friends with him, why do I still care when he clearly doesn't.

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