A moment lost

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Walking down to the fish pool I grab my drenched notebook. Luckily it was a new one and wasn't full of important information. I know the thought of me being a hero and quirkless is somewhat ridiculous but I'm working hard here, this isn't some kind of game and I know that. I suddenly hear a voice from behind me and it's a giant ass blob of slime. I dodge it's first hit and roll around to get away from the next hit. I try to run far from it trying to give myself some distance, but the blob hit me again and riped my shirt. Lucky he didn't grab me. I tried to slow it down by throwing stuff from my bookbag at him but that also slowed me down allowing the blob to grab me. It slowly started to sufficate me say how it will be over soon and to just let it happen. Is this how it will all end after all my hard work I won't be able to even try to be a hero.... Maybe I just wasn't meant to be one. These were my thoughts as darkness slowly engulfed me. Suddenly, a gust of wind came and wiped the slime off of me. I guess the power of the wind caused me to black out because I woke up to All Might slapping my checks lightly trying to wake me up. Once I gain my groundings All might asked if I was ok and once I assured him he start to get ready to leave. I stopped him wanting to ask him if I could be a hero. For some reason though I stopped before I could even ask. I realized that if All Might says no, that I can't be a hero then it can end my will completely and I don't want that. I can't have that, not when I've come this far. "Can... Can I have your autograph?" I asked instead not looking at him but instead looking for my notebook I probably threw at the slug. "Oh is that all young man, I've already done so", all might said as he pulls my book bag from behind him leaving me with the question of whether or not he was going to leave with my book bag before I stopped him or not. "Ah t-thanks"? I say as if it was a question. After that All Might leaves me to my thoughts as I once again wonder if what I did was for the best or was it a mistake.
As I walk home I'm still thinking about my encounter with All Might when I notice a crowd and police at a corner of an ally way. I push myself in to see what's going on and to my shock I see kachan captured by the same slime that got me. My feet moved on their own and I leaped twords kachan. I took my book bag from my bag and got ready to throw stuff. I didn't want to be stupid so I quickly made a plan. It's ruff but it will get the job done... I hope. So I took a textbook, aimed for the eye and threw it as hard as I can. I threw two more stuff just to make sure he's distracted by the pain. I grab on to kachan's shirt and told him to blast his way out. Of course he yells saying not to tell him what to quote on quote "fucking do" but he did it anyways. We were thrown back by the force of the explosion but once I gain some balance I grabbed more stuff to throw at the slime to distract him again allowing us to escape and for the hero's to take care of the rest. Knowing I'll be yelled at for actually doing something I left. This also helps me avoid kachan knowing he doesn't like that I helped him and will come at yell ready to blow me to pieces. As I left I looked back and for some reason I feel like I'm leaving an important moment behind, as if something was supposed to happen but didn't.
                       Weird right...

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