19. I Just Wanna Talk

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A few days after receiving the note from King Red, X and Y met up with Riley at the beach South of Pallet Town. The rest of the Kalosians patrol the beach, and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"Interesting," Riley says as he reads the note.

"Set up the meeting. Lure Red close. That's when you set up the ambush."

"What? Why would we ruin this opportunity to get what we came here for?" X exclaims.

"Because I am here for war. That is why I brought you here. Or should I remind you why Kalos still stands?"

X grinds his teeth.

"Follow the plan, or else."

"Or else what?" X says, grabbing his sword.

Y grabs her Pokéball and stands beside him.

"Do not bite the hand that feeds you," Riley says.

"You took advantage of us when we were vulnerable. But we are strong enough to take you down," Y says.

Riley chuckles. He then lets out a whistle. 

"What did you just do?" X yells.

"The real question is what did you do to yourselves?"

Riley points out to the beach. They're watching Shauna and Tierno from a distance, who are looking off into the ocean. X then spots two Lucario and their trainers headed right for them.

"You bastard!"

X charges and swings his sword at Riley. Riley grabs his arm and disarms him. He manages to pin his arms behind his back and forces X to his knees.

As Y is about to unleash her Pokémon, Riley's Lucario sneaks up on Y, holding his bone staff against her neck.

"I expected better out of you two. I'm disappointed."

"Let go of me!"

Shauna's voice is followed by a loud smack.

"Shauna!" X yells.

Two Lucario trainers bring Shauna into view. Each one is holding her up by her arm. A bruise is beginning to form on her cheek.

"You have lost my trust. Therefore, I'm going to take this pretty lady as insurance."

"No! Stop! We'll do what you want!" Y yells.

Lucario growls, forcing Y back.

"That's the point Yvonne. You'll get her back once the task is completed," Riley says.

He gestures towards his men, and they carry Shauna away. Shauna glances back in despair.

X struggles under Riley's hold. Riley punches X and throws him on the ground.

"Regardless if you listen to me or not, there will be war. It's the matter of whose side you want to be on," Riley says. He snaps his fingers and the Lucario surrounding Y rush to his side. They then walks off together.

Y runs to X's side.

"What are we going to do?" She asks.

X sighs.

They both look out to the beach, and watch Serena help Tierno up from the ground. She helps him make his way over to X and Y.

"The only thing we can do."


***One Week Later***

Red is sitting in his office. Books litter the room as he turns the page of one of his father's journals.

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