Chapter 15

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Rihanna has not stopped vomiting and poor Roger is holding her. I need to wake up and help him. "You can go, I got it from here..thanks for everything," he stays put staring at me. He knows I'm not okay after what he told me.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," I tell him pushing Rihanna towards the doors. This girl needs to really control herself, I can barely carry her. I'm so glad our apartment is super close to the entrance. She said it was the last one and I wonder why?

I have awakened from someone knocking on our door. My watch says it's noon and I wonder who could it be. "Who is it,? I ask and it's Roger with lunch.

"Hey Roger, Rihanna is still asleep let's go somewhere else." We walk down a few blocks to a cafe shop. The air outside is hot and it's bringing me back to that day. That- day, I still remember everything exactly.

"What's wrong, let me guess...Tyler," he says pulling out my lunch. I'm not even hungry but he was so nice to have bought us food. I think he feels bad from yesterday.

"Yes, but you made something clear to me," he's smiling but I can see he has no idea. "I love him."I finally said it and it feels good. They where right the truth does set you free. Roger opened my eyes and it made it all clear for me.

Yesterday, I had a dream with every moment I lived with Zack. But in my dreams, it was not him instead it was Tyler. Which made me realize, I used Zach all along. I was blinded by pain and used him as a shield. When in reality I need it and want it Tyler still.

"Wow...well I'm glad, I helped you figure out your feelings. Are you going back and telling him that or...?." That is the question, I'm asking myself.

"What do you think I should do," Roger has always helped by giving me his advice. He will know what I should do and if I'm pressuring myself.

"First, take a deep breath then go buy a ticket. Just be prepared for anything but go do it. Don't let time pass any longer because you might regret it. I love the way you both are so hard-headed. Both of you belong with each other...come on let's go..." He says pulling me up and rushing back to his car.

This is happening, I'm going back to him and this time for sure. I hope Rihanna doesn't get mad. She did all this for me to leave one day after.

My plane leaves tomorrow at 5 am. it still gives me time to think. Well, to find a way of explaining to her why I'm leaving. After everything I told her on the way here, she is not going to like that.

"Thank you, Roger, for this," I tell him getting out of his car. He smiles and waves driving away. New York time really goes on by fast. Rihanna must be awake already and I need to take a breath.

Ren! He needs to stop jumping out of nowhere, "Hey Ren, it's Rihanna awake." He walks away but yells to me "yes," how rude is he.

"Hey, where were you this morning," she says fixing her yellow spaghetti shirt. I love how she always dresses however she wants too. This why I'm friends with her and she always gave me confidence.

"Ri...I'm leaving back. Look, I thank you for what you did for me. This must have cost you a lot, but things have changed for me. I don't want to tell you because I already have done this so many times...but this time it will be different." She stops straightening her hair and turns to look back at me.

"Do what you want babe, just make sure to stop this." She gives me a tight hug and walks out of the room. I pull out my bag and begin to pack. I'm so glad I didn't bring a lot of clothes nor things.

Before I know it, I will be on that plane and back home.

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