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AN: Hey everyone!

So, this is one of my new fanfics :) . It will be mostly centered around the Marauders in their last two years at Hogwarts.

Just so you know, this story will handle three POV's, one of them is the one of Harry, an other the one of Grainne (an OC in this story) and the last one will be Sirius's.

Sirius's POV won't show up until chapter six. Untill then it will be only Harry's POV and the one of Grainne.  But please, give it a chance, you'll like her (I hope)! :)

Anyway, please feel free to check out the trailer I made on the side, as well as the cover! =>

Also: I don't own anything, apart from the characters Grainne, Areihn and Morgause. The rest belongs to the wonderful J.K. Rowling! :)

I hope you'll like the story! :D



It was a cold Autumn day and the wind was howling over the little village of Hogsmeade.

Students from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were walking around in small groups, all tightly wrapped in their warm scarves, gloves and coats. Whenever they breathed out, their breath formed small puffs of white smoke that dissolved into the cool air.

A boy in his sixth year of Hogwarts was standing in front of the Three Broomsticks. He kicked a few stray, coloured leaves while he was waiting. He was slightly nervous about what he was about to do.

Then a loud crack sounded next to him and Remus Lupin apparated in the village of Hogsmeade.

“Hello Harry.”

Harry looked up and smiled, “Hello Remus.”

Remus nervously shifted his feet, “ I won't ask you how you are doing... for

I think I know the answer already.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

“So are you ready to come with me?”

Harry nodded.

Remus took hold of his shoulders and apparated the two of them to their destination.

When they arrived, Harry couldn't help but feel a bit nauseous again. His head was spinning and he was breathing rapidly. He quietly wondered if he would ever get used to it.

As he looked up he came face to face with the front of a house he knew all too well...

12 Grimmauld Place.

They walked towards it and came to a halt near the front door. Remus opened it and together they went inside.

It was dark inside the hallway and a musty smell entered their nostrils. The house elf of the Black family, named Kreacher, was peering at them from across the hallway. After a few seconds he started to utter his displeasure at the arrival of the two unexpected and unwanted visitors.

But Harry ignored him and followed Remus up the stairway.

They stopped before a door and Harry immediately recognised it.

A chill went down his spine and sadness overwhelmed him while looking at it. For behind that door the old bedroom of Sirius, his godfather, was located. And then Harry realised something.

When Love Strikes (A Marauders Era Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now