Chapter Six

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AN: Hello everyone!

So, here's the next chapter of "When Love Strikes" :).

All of the Marauders appear in this one! ^^

Anyway, I would like to thank everyone who read this far into the story and also everyone who has voted for it or added it to their reading list.

So, a big THANK YOU to all of you! :D

I hope you'll like the chapter!


Chapter six

Ten minutes later the Hogwarts boats stopped inside what looked like a cave. Grainne followed the other students up a long flight of stairs.

Eventually they arrived in a big welcome hall, here someone was waiting for their arrival.

A woman with a stern face and her hair pulled back into a bun regarded them over the rim of her glasses.

When everyone was inside, she cleared her throat and spoke, “My name is Professor McGonagall. I'm the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts and head of the Gryffindor house. Soon, your sorting ceremony will begin. But first I must bring you to another room. So please follow me.”

The new students did as they were told and entered a small room, lit with a dozen candles. Despite the candlelight, it was still quite dark there.

Professor McGonagall turned towards them, “Kindly wait here until I come to collect you for the Ceremony.” Then she disappeared through the door in front of her, which closed silently.

After the professor had disappeared, Grainne could once again feel the tension and nervousness of the students around her.

All the others were around the age of eleven... She wondered once again what a sight it would be, walking among these small first-years.

Most of them were looking at her curiously, wondering what an elder student was doing there.

A small boy carefully approached her, slightly trembling from top to toe. She already knew what he was going to ask her.

“Um, excuse me... My name is Devon... I was just wondering... um...”

Grainne felt sorry for him so she knelt down to his level and smiled at him, “Hello Devon. I'm Grainne. Let me guess, you were wondering why a sixth-year is standing among you first- years?”

He nodded and looked away, slightly blushing.

“Well, Devon... I um... transferred here from Beauxbatons... I'm starting anew at Hogwarts.”

The boys eyes widened, “From Beauxbatons? But that's a good school isn't it? Why would you come here instead?”

“Well...actually I... I got kicked out of Beauxbatons.”

An astonished look came over the boy's face, “Kicked out? But how can someone as nice as you be kicked out of a school?”

Grainne smiled at him, “One of the professors there had a grudge against me. She made sure I got expelled.”

“That's mean.... Well I hope you have better luck here at Hogwarts. Good luck with your sorting!”

“You too, Devon.”

Right then professor McGonagall reappeared in the room again and beckoned them to follow her.

Grainne could hear lots of laughter and talking coming from behind the door and swallowed.

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