Chapter Three

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Chapter three

It had been two weeks since the little word-exchange with her aunt.

Grainne had spend most of those weeks in her room or out of her aunt's way. So she only saw her during mealtimes. She had been reading, a lot, and had even taken out her old sketchbook again to refine her drawing skills.

It had also been two weeks since she had written a letter to her cousin. The last one hadn't written her back yet. But Grainne wasn't worried about that. She knew her cousin would be busy, especially now the summer holidays were right on their doorstep.

For the hundredth time since her arrival, Grainne hoped that a solution could be found for her exams.

Since she had been kicked out of Beauxbaton right before the end-of- term exams, she wondered how she would be able to go to her sixth year.

She had read every single one of her schoolbooks all over again; wanting to take in everything she had learned over the past year. She just wanted to be prepared if she had to retake the exams during the holiday.

Grainne had also read through them because she found them interesting and wanted to remember as much of them as she could.

She got up from her chair behind her desk and started pacing around her bedroom.

Grainne realised that she had been anxious ever since she got out of bed this morning, she wondered why this was the case.

Her mind drifted to the letter she had written to her cousin and, as if on cue, a large Barn Owl landed on her windowsill. She recognised it immediately as her cousin's owl, Aidar.

She immediately opened her window, “Hello there big guy.” Grainne stroked his head and asked, “How are you doing?”

Aidar hooted happily and flew inside. After flying around the room once, he landed on her desk and showed her the envelope in his beak.

She smiled while taking the letter, “Well, thank you,” then she opened one of the drawers of her desk and took out a treat for Aidar. The owl took it gently and ate it while she opened the piece of parchment.

Dear cousin,

 First of all, I would like to apologise for my late reply. When I received your letter two weeks ago, I'd just started my exams. Of course this isn't an excuse for not writing to you immediately, so I do hope you'll forgive me?

Grainne smiled at reading that last sentence. It was just impossible for her to be angry at her cousin. After all, the last one was her best friend, maybe even her only friend, and they had known each other ever since they were toddlers.

Of course this had been the case before she was taken in by aunt Morgause.

After the last one had taken her to London, she hadn't been allowed to ever see her cousin again. All because her cousin was the daughter of her father's brother.

Her cousin had written to her just a week after Morgause had taken her away. Ever since then, they had secretly contacted each other through letters, often with the help of Will.

And the best part of it was that her aunt was still unaware of this. Grinning at those thoughts, Grainne continued reading:

Secondly, it is just not fair that you've been expelled from Beauxbatons!I can't believe that the headmistress was too blind to see that you were telling the truth! And expelling you right before the exams! That's just terrible as well! I do hope that you'll get a chance to retake the exams during the holiday.

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