Tiny Avengers

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[A/N: okay! since endgame is so close, i decided to give you guys a treat. here's a whole 10k+ fic from May last year, completely unedited! it's probably bad but i kinda like it and i hope you guys do too]

Tiny Avengers

In a world where toys can come alive, except they aren't really toys at all, each "toy" has an owner. The toys, well, characters, are rare. There's no doubles, so fighting would often ensue over certain characters.

It's very rare for one person to have more than one character under their care. Almost impossible to have a whole "set" like the Avengers.

But it's not impossible.


Tiny Spider-Man, well, Peter Parker, sat boredly on the leg of the nonliving giant teddy bear that towered over him, throwing a tiny foil ball straight up in the air and catching it again and again without fail, grinning each time he caught it despite the repetition. Tony Stark, who was also quite small in this universe, watched him, smiling lightly and absentmindedly. He loved watching this kid, his kid, his son, enjoying himself so much, especially at something so simple. He had always been good at that.

They were both relatively calm, relaxing like they usually did when their owner was away. Well, they didn't like to be called 'owner', honestly they preferred to be called by their name, or just 'friend'. But the tiny heroes, Tony especially, kept slipping up. Not like their larger friend minded very much.

There was also one other tiny hero, who acted distant and quiet towards the other two.

Steve Rogers. Well, Captain America, but nobody really called him that, mostly because he never wore his actual suit, though he did carry his shield for some reason. He was honestly much less threatening than the actual franchise version of himself, he was almost shy and insecure. Truth be told, he had a crush on Tony (which would fade after the appearance of a certain other character), but he would never tell. So, to prevent himself from letting it slip, he was distancing himself from the others. Currently he was sitting on the railing of the bed, not really doing much of anything.

That is, until their owner came into the room, obviously upset, her eyebrows knit with worry and sadness. She didn't even look at the three tiny heroes as she immediately went to her desk, placing something on it that the three couldn't see.

The thing happened to be two more tiny heroes. The first one, who the owner tended to first, was Tiny Vision, who was injured quite badly. He let out a tiny sound of pain as the owner put a patch over the large wound on his side, as it stung quite a bit. The patch would end up regenerating his actual metal fibers, since the owner couldn't fix it manually. Finally, the owner scooped him up incredibly gently, careful not to jostle him too much as she placed him on a small pillow, handing him a tiny blanket, which was really just an uneven rectangular fabric scrap. Despite being robotic like his larger counterpart, Tiny Vision was almost exactly like a typical human, other than his appearance and components. He also couldn't change his form, but that's not a very big problem.

The next tiny hero turned out to be Doctor Strange. He wasn't injured too badly, other than his left arm, which was burned badly. The owner wrapped healing bandages around it, causing the tiny hero to wince, inhaling sharply as tears sprang to his eyes. His cape was practically torn to shreds and his typically composed, calm appearance was ruined by the fact that he was shaking, clutching one hand to where his necklace with the Time Stone in it used to be. He also appeared to be soaking wet, taking quick, shuddering breaths as if he had just almost drowned. Which, to be honest, wasn't that difficult for the tiny heroes, since their powers were weak. Very weak, actually.

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