Flight to the first case

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Susan's pov:
After we survived the horrifying take off and the plane has balanced itself out, I could finally breath easily again.
„You know with this Job you are going to fly a lot, right?" Spencer asks me concerned.
„I know bambam. I also know that statistically I worry without reason but still." I answer him. Not realizing that the rest of the team is listing in on our conversation.
„Please tell me you aren't as into statistics as Reid!" Emily nearly begs which makes me giggle again.
„Statistics aren't that bad!" Spencer tells them matter of factly!
„Hello my beautiful friends!" Garcia suddenly says from a tv.
„I checked on some details about the different victims, and it seems as if they haven't anything in common." she says.
„The four of them have quite the same face structure. The same high and weight, the third one also got her hair bleached only a day before she was found dead but was missing for a week. So her murderer was the one bleaching them. Only the first one was natural blond, do we know about the others?" I ask while looking at my file.
„Well, looks like our boy wonder is getting some competition." Garcia says while typing away on her computer.
„And our new genius is right, the second victim was bleaching her hair since she turned 14 and our last one.....also got bleached only a day before she was found." she announces while the rest of them are looking at me shocked.
„Did I do something wrong?" I ask instantly getting insecure since everyone is staring at me.
„Nonsense, you did amazingly!! You just sounded a lot like Reid." Emily says reassuringly.
„ok. Why do you think he was carving a circle into their wrist? It doesn't really makes sense to me." Spencer asks clearly trying to get the attention away from me since he knows how much I hate to be the center of attention.
„It could mean anything and nothing. Maybe he was only torturing them, it's a pretty sensitive area." Hotch answers. Taking the map to look it over. Mapping out where the victims got taken and where they where found.
„He is going in a circle. Bambam look!" I say while pointing it out to him.
„You are right! That's what the symbol is for! He leaves one on the exact place where he is taking the next one. And if we are correct." he says drawing a circle around the map.
„Than this is where he is living." he says and looks proudly at me.
„Ok, now I officially feel stupid!!" Morgan says louder than I think he intended to.
„Not everyone can be as intelligent as we are!" Spencer tells him while laughing. Which of course makes me giggle all over again! Putting my hand over my mouth to stop myself from giggling.
„Stop doing that all the Time!" Spencer says irritated, trying to pry my hands away from my mouth. Turning my head to the side so he won't have a chance, but does he stop? No! He only starts to tickles me!!
„Stop!! Bambam, stop!!!" I say in between giggles.
„No! Only if you finally start to let me hear your giggles!" he says while laughing happily still tickling me!
„Merci bambam! Merci!" i get out in between giggles.
„Ok, ok! You need to breath after all!" he says happily. A throat being cleared next to us.
„A word." Hotch says while pointing to the other end of the plane. Spencer sends me a wink before standing up and offering me a hand.
„Come on bubbles! Got to go!" he says with a mischievousness in his eyes. Shaking my head at him in amusement. Taking his outstretched hand in mine and follow them away from the others.
„Ok, what is going on between the two of you? You know relationships aren't allowed within the same team." Hotch says sternly.
„We aren't dating Hotch." Spencer starts only to get interrupted from Hotch.
„I just told you that it isn't allowed! What do you think I am going to do now!" he says quite loudly.
„We aren't dating Hotch." I tell him seriously.
„You guys aren't? But? What?" he asks lost.
„She is my little sister." Spencer whispers to him.
„That's why her surename isn't used around the bureau." Spencer went on to explain.
„Why didn't you ever told me that you have a sister?" he asks him a bit hurt.
„Because she is my little baby sister and I wanted to keep her safe. And no one ever asked if I had any siblings except Gideon." Spencer tells him slightly guiltily.
„Ok, so that's the reason her file was kept locked." Hotch says more to himself then to us.
„To be honest, that's not the reason. I mean it was helpful but that wasn't the original reason." I add quietly, finding my heels pretty interesting.
„What would be the real reason behind that?" Hotch asks slightly annoyed for being held in the dark. Spencer pulls me slightly behind himself to get a little space between me and Hotch. He immediately looks at me and his hard face softens right away.
„I am sorry Susan! I didn't meant to frighten you." he says. He even tries to touch my arm but I instantly fall to the floor and hold my hands above my head in protection.
„Fuck!" is the only sound I hear before I am engulfed in a tight hug from bambam.
„Shh, you are fine. Everything is alright. No one is going to ever hurt you again. You hear me? I got you!" he whispers quietly in my ear while slightly rocking us side to side.
„Deep breaths sweetheart. Copy my breathing, that's it. In and out." he adds reassuringly. After another 10 or so minutes I calmed at least enough down to be able to stand up again. Still a bit shaky might I add, but at least standing.
„I am really sorry!" Hotch says guiltily.
„I didn't mean for you to get a panic attack." he whispers ashamed of himself.
„It's ok, just please no touching." I whisper shakily. He nods in understanding.
„why don't you guys relax back here till we land? I make sure no one intrudes. Oh, and don't worry. I won't tell anyone about you guys being brother and sister nor what just happend." he says with a soft smile before leaving us alone.
„Are you ok bubbles?" Spencer asks me worriedly.
„Sorry for breaking down in front of our boss." I say shamefully.
„Don't apologize for something you aren't responsible for. You are completely innocent in this, he was the one trying to touch you. After what happened to you it's completely natural for you to panic when anyone you don't know or trust tries to touch you." he reassures me. And not long after, I fell asleep in the arms of my protective brother.

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