Late night walks

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Susan's pov:
After the case was closed and everyone went to bed, I also tried really hard to fall asleep. But I just couldn't. Whenever I close my eyes, I see my former foster dad with his belt in hand smirking down at me. After one hour of trying I decided that I need some air. Quietly getting out of bed, deciding on borrowing one of Spencer's pullovers and leaving our shared room. Spencer's pullover reaches down to my knees, the sleeves hang loosely down but I decided to pull them up so my fingers were visible again. The moment I exit the hotel, I feel better, like I could finally breath again. Deciding to cross the street to get to the park across from our hotel and start to walk along the path. Finding a bench overlooking the small lake, I take a seat. The air around here is soothing my nerves and puts my mind to rest. Taking a few deep breaths, I relax even more. I have no idea how long I just sat here but suddenly someone takes a seat next to me. Slightly worried who that might be, I look up from the peaceful setting in front of me and turn my head to the newcomer.
„I didn't wanted to scare you. I was just wondering around when I saw you sitting here all by yourself." Derek says quietly.
„It's alright. I guess you also had problems getting to sleep?" I ask him, turning my head back to overlook the lake.
„Whenever there are kids involved I have trouble sleeping afterwards... you were really good with them, you know. Normally it takes way longer for kids to trust someone after something this traumatic happened to them." he tells me. Peeking at him from beneath, I see him also looking towards the lake.
„I guess we just connected. They were really special kids. I really hope they can overcome that." I say and wipe a lonely tear away from my face. Derek pulls me closer towards him.
„They will. It will take some time but they are strong." he answers me soothingly.
„Do you really think that or are you only trying to comfort me?" I question with a sigh.
„Both actually." he chuckles lightly.
„They have each other to lean on. I also was thinking of talking to both family's, maybe it could help them all to stay in contact with each other." he explains. Nodding along, this could really help them.
„We could talk to them before we fly back home. I wanted to say goodbye to the kiddos anyway." I tell him, smiling slightly towards him.
„Have you an idea how damn beautiful you look right now?" he suddenly says, which makes me turn bright red.
„Sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud!" he rushes out slightly panicked. Giggling at his cuteness gets me a look of adoration from him.
„Do you want to go back to the hotel?" he asks me after we just looked into each other's eyes for quite some time. Nodding in answer I slowly stand up, not wanting to get dizzy after sitting for that long.
„It really looks like a dress on you." he says with a small smirk, pointing at Spencer's pullover I shrug at him.
„That's because he is a giant! I don't want to know how huge your clothes would look on me." I tell him, childishly pointing my tongue at him.
„You have no idea what mental pictures you have just given me!!" he says mischievously. When I repeat my last sentence in my head again, I realize that it could mean something way different than I meant. Feeling my cheeks turning red all over again.
„That's embarrassing, sorry!" I whisper, pulling my hand in front of my face to hide it from him.
„It's fine, I find it rather cute, so no point of hiding from me!" he tells me honestly. Softly pulling me into his strong arms.
„I never thought you were one for hugs or cuddles." I tell him while pulling myself even closer towards him. His chuckles let his chest vibrate against my face.
„Only for certain people princes." he says and kisses my forehead like Spencer often does. A phone ringing let's us pull apart from one another. He looks at his phone before shaking his head with a small smile on place.
„Hello pretty boy! Don't worry your sister is with me." he answers right away.
„In the park across the hotel but we are already on our way back." he says and throws a hand around my shoulder, leading me back to the hotel. I don't know how, but I feel safe with Derek around. Maybe it's because Spencer told me all those amazing things about him? I don't know, but what I know is that I trust him, which is really really rare for me.
„Spencer, relax! Nothing happened, she couldn't sleep after the case and went out for some air. I saw her sitting on a bench since I also needed a stroll after today." he goes on to explain to a seemingly afraid Spencer. Shortly before we come to the end of the park a running Spencer comes into few. He immediately pulls me I into his arms. Feeling him shaking a bit makes me feel stupid for just leaving and not even leaving a note for him.
„Sorry bambam. I didn't meant to worry you!" I tell him ashamed of myself.
„It's fine sweetheart. I just panicked when I couldn't find you. You also forgot to take your phone with you. I should of known that you won't be able to sleep after today's events." he says. He caresses my back as if making sure I really am in front of him.
„Thank you for bringing her back!" he tells Derek who stands to the side of us.
„No problem, but she would of come back without me also. You know that, right?" he asks Spencer with a raised eyebrow.
„I know, still. Thanks for being there for her!" Spencer tells him honestly.
„It was my pleasure pretty boy. Enough of that, how about we try and get some sleep before we have to get moving again?" Derek says, clearly trying to lighten to mood. As if on clue I yawn tiredly, making the two guys to chuckle at me. Spencer suddenly hauls me up and carry's me towards the hotel.
„You know i can walk bambam!?" I tell him embarrassed.
„I know, but as your big brother I need to get you back safely. So stop complaining and enjoy your ride!" he says in a posh accent whatcha makes me giggle loudly. Not long after we are in front of our room, Derek next to us.
„Good night you two!" he says softly.
„Good night Derek!" i whisper back, suddenly feeling really tired.
„Good Night Derek, and thank you again!" Spencer reply's before closing the door behind us. And within two minutes we both are out cold.

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