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Seungcheol sat with his legs crossed. His head was reeling. He was extremely angry but he tried to control himself as he waited for his soon to be in-laws and Jeonghan, the boy he had disliked for as long as he wanted. Why him? His father could have chosen any other person from any other family but Jeonghan.
He was a free bird when it came to his sexuality. He liked who he liked be it male or female. He was more into males but it all depended on the person but Jeonghan didn't cut it for him. Ever since his father told him about the arrangement, he had been brooding. His mind was twisted in all kinds of ways. He hated it, really hated it.
Now they were both in their mansion waiting for the other family to arrive. His father sat opposite him staring at him closely. He folded his arms.

"Choi Seungcheol, don't mess this up for me" he said.

"Of course, this is all about you. You don't give a shit about me"

His father sighed. "This is an opportunity for us. It's an opportunity to get into the kind of world the Yoons are in. For years, people have tagged us as being thugs, people with no manners based on our background but once you marry their son, we will no longer be seen that way"

Seungcheol shook his head "Marriage isn't going to change what we truly are... " He stopped and eyed his father. "What you truly are. You have never been a straight business man. I wonder what you are planning"

His father grinned, a grin that never failed to unsettle him.
"They have everything that I need...everything"

The door bell rang and they heard the maid open it. She later came to the living room where they both sat.

"Sir, the Yoon family have arrived"

The smile on his face brightened.
"That's good, send them in"

The maid left and in came the sophisticated Yoons with their beautiful son. For a moment, Seungcheol couldn't stop staring at Jeonghan. He looked really good. It definitely seemed like he had taken extra care of himself. But the scowl on his face was enough evidence that he hated being here. Their eyes met and he pulled away as if he had just been touched by fire.

"Thanks for coming" Mr Choi shook hands with the Yoons. He stopped and looked at Jeonghan seeming impressed by what he was seeing.

"You really are a beauty. You are just my son's type"

Jeonghan turned to Seungcheol. He wasn't even looking at them. He took a deep breath, deeply angered.

"Thank you Sir"

Mr Choi laughed. "Don't be so formal. We are going to be family soon"

The maid entered again. "Sir, Dinner is served"

"Thank you for inviting us" Mr Yoon said and the two men shook hands again. They all went to the dining area were lots of sumptuous looking meals were displayed.

Jeonghan had never seen such wealth. The minute he stepped into the mansion, it had taken his breath away. He had been awed. The silver pillars, expensive are pieces, the drapes and decorations took him aback. He wondered if it was their trading company that  provided these sort of wealth. If not, it was true that the Chois were really dubious. They were doing other dubious things to gain this kind of wealth he was now witnessing.

He drooled at the sight of the meals but controlled himself. They all said a short prayer before digging in. The food was absolutely delicious. Seungcheol whispered something to his maid. Jeonghan could detect a name, Jessica but he didn't care. He wasn't going to care. He had his own plans up his sleeve. A plan that would make this marriage thing more tolerable.

"Why don't the kids have a private talk after the meal and we will discuss all the marriage plans" Mr Choi.

Seunghceol and Jeonghan wanted to protest but the adults seemed determined.

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