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It was a Saturday and jeonghan didn't need to go to work today. This past week, he had successfully avoided Seungcheol. He didn't see him regularly and Seungcheol seemed like he was back to his old ways, drinking, partying and having fun. Most times, he would return home early in the morning and by then, jeonghan was already off to school.  They were both avoiding each other quite well but what could they do about the weekends?

Jeonghan decided to clean up the whole house, keep himself busy. As he dusted and washed, Seungcheol came out of his room wearing only a tight short that hugged his bottom. His chest was smooth and muscular. He wrapped a pink towel around his neck. Jeonghan stopped what he was doing and looked at him. His breath got caught in his throat. Seungcheol was gorgeous, it was difficult to pull his eyes away.

A smirk appeared on his husband's lips. "Looks like you are enjoying the view"

"What view?" Jeonghan stuttered and returned his attention to mopping the floor.

Seungcheol gave a small smile "I want to take an early morning swim" He stopped. "care to join me?"

"Just go Choi Seungcheol" Jeonghan whispered and Seungcheol left the house. As soon as he heard the door shut, he took a deep breath. He had been holding his breath for a long time now. He shook his head. He shouldn't be sexually attracted to Seungcheol. He still had Joshua who could take care of his needs but lately, he had been avoiding him because he felt guilty.

Jeonghan began wiping the glass windows when he saw Seungcheol diving into the water. His long arms stroke through the water and it impressed Jeonghan. He seemed like a professional. However, jeonghan had a secret. He couldn't swim. He had nearly drowned when he was small after his friend had pushed him into the water. He was sent to the emergency ward. He almost died so since then, he had been scared of water.

Seungcheol swam contentedly for a long time. Jeonghan was getting annoyed that he was having a good time while he worked hard to clean the whole house which he would later enjoy.

He made up his mind that Seungcheol would remove all the cobwebs in the house especially since he was taller. He stormed to the swimming pool where his husband leaned against the sides of the pool with his face upwards.

"How long are you going to be in there?" jeonghan yelled

"I don't know!"

Jeonghan came closer to him. "Come out now, I need you to dust away the cobwebs for me"

"You do that"

Jeonghan scoffed. "I've been working my ass off trying to clean your dirty house and you won't even make an effort"

Seungcheol drew a tired breath. "Really Jeonghan you nag a lot, you really need to chill out. You are too uptight"

Jeonghan swept his hair back as an act of frustration.

"I nag?"

Seungcheol scoffed "It must be your new job. It's taking a toll on you"

Jeonghan knew that he couldn't talk reason with this child so he shook his head.

"Fine, go ahead and keep soaking your self in the water till you get sick. I'll clean it all up myself"

He started to leave when Seungcheol called him back " Hey Jeonghan, come here" He said.

Jeonghan turned round unaware when Seungcheol had suddenly grabbed his hand and pushed him into the water.

Seungcheol laughed loudly but his laughter started to die off when he saw that Jeonghan hadn't come out from the water.

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