Ten (Final Chapter)

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Seungcheol sat down in defeat. Jeonghan was gone now and with the way things looked, he was never coming back. Mrs Yoon had looked so angry. It felt like she was holding herself so strongly so that she wouldn't give him a slap. In his state, he didn't know when Jessica entered the house. She looked at his sour expression.

"Seungcheol, what's wrong" She looked around the house.

"Where's Jeonghan?"

Her brother sighed. "He is gone, His mother took him home with her"

Jessica looked confused. "Why?"

"Our step father set his father up. He took the blame for the drugs he was transporting using his sea vessels. And now, he's in jail"

Jessica stood looking unhappy with the turn of events. "And our step father?"

"I don't know and I don't even care. I can't stand that man"

Jessica was quiet for a while. Seungcheol looked at her curiously until she spoke.

"I have a way of clearing Mr Yoon's name" She said nodding her head. 

"I know where our step dad keeps his secret document. It's in a safe inside his bedroom"

Seungcheol looked unhappy "It means you'll have to go back to the house"

Jessica nodded "We'll sneak in and out"

Seungcheol shook his head resolutely "No, I cannot risk that. What if he catches us?"

"He won't. I know how to get in without being spotted. I know that house like the back of my hands"

Seungcheol was reluctant "Are you sure about this?"

Jessica scoffed "That mad man is out there roaming free while an innocent man who turns out to be your father in law is paying for a crime he did not commit"

"Alright then but we need to have a plan"

"Of course"

It was more than a week since Jeonghan left Seungcheol's house. He went to visit his father in jail and he was shocked to see what prison life had done to him. He looked so thin and emaciated. One day, he visited his father one day without his mom because she was so bitter, she kept looking to take out her frustrations in front of his father.

"How do you feel?" Mr Yoon asked him. 

Jeonghan forced a smile. "I should be asking you that" 

His father smiled "That's not what I mean"

Jeonghan understood "I'm fine"

"Are you sure?"

Jeonghan lowered his eyes and breathed deeply. He had been trying to hold his emotions but it was getting the better of him. He heard his father sigh.

"you're thinking about him aren't you?"

Jeonghan couldn't say anything to that. His father laughed. "Don't listen to your mother. Don't leave him"

"But aren't you pissed off father? Mr Choi framed you up for a crime you did not commit and I feel guilty for being with the father of the man who put you in here"

Mr Yoon nodded with a faint smile "I know, but I have a strong feeling that I won't be here for long"

The visitation was over and Jeonghan watched with a heavy heart as his father was led away by the warden. He made his way out of the station wondering what Seungcheol was doing at that moment. He was tempted to call him but he held himself back. They both needed space at the moment.

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