The Guest

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This story takes place when I was in grade 12, I'm getting into witchcraft with my friend Katie from the first story and second story.

I start looking into candle flame readings, I'm using a pendulum which a spirit keeps messing with and everything is fine and dandy.

I accept that spirits are drawn to me and when I read that when a candle flame is unusually wild and vocal, it means a spirit is trying to communicate.

It's 8pm, this starts happening, I'm charging my crystals with the lights off and trying to soothe my anxiety. And the candle starts buring really high, moving around a lot, crackling.

It occurs to me that a spirit might be trying to communicate so I speak up and ask if anyone is here with me. And in reponse the candle stops everything and just goes back to normal and it gets a little darker in the room. I turn the lights on, blow the candle out and go upstairs to eat and I hear breathing and footsteps behind me. I knew I was alone in that basement and I was getting really creeped out.

Anyway, this continues on for a few days until I speak up to nothing and say if you're not gonna talk to me, just leave please, goodbye

The next night I'm sleeping lightly when I hear foot steps and breathing and suddenly the bed goes down a little next to me.

I hear my name whispered really quietly, in the whisper of a little boy and girl.

After a few minutes there was silence again, I grab my phone, look around with the flashlight, nothing is there.

I've experienced this before so I honestly didn't do anything after and I just went back to sleep after watching tv for a while.

And till this very day when I'm quiet in bed I hear breathing in my room, really deep breathing like they're asleep.

No, not my own breathing, I hear it when I hold my breath.

And it hasn't left me since.


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