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I see a woman in white sometimes, usually in mirrors. She has breast length straight black hair, she's beautiful.

I get a sense that I know her, she looks familiar, feels familiar.

I ended up asking my pendulum if I did, and got tarot readings on it, too. They said she was a good friend in one of my past lives.

When I tell people about her they say she sounds like the grudge, but she's not like that at all. At first I was creeped out by her, but eventually the fright died down and she started appearing less and less.

I feel like she's interacted with me in dreams but I don't remember them, just the knowledge that I have spoken with her, she has came to me, it's a memory I can't recall but the feeling I have dreamt of her is strong.

I'll never know exactly why she's sticking around, I can't get a straight answer. Did I do her wrong in a past life and she's trying to inflict misery onto me? Is she just looking out for me? I guess I'll never know until I'm dead, too.

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