Lola's POV:
"Morning Hadley" I greet my friend who is currently sorting out clothes hangers that are all bundled in a large pile, she looks up and smiles at me warmly. Her clear skin glows against the harsh store lighting - which I seem to be dangerously jealous of. Her blonde hair is tied in a messy ponytail, and as usual she still is able to adapt her work uniform to her own style, which I just can't seem to do.
"Oh hey Lola" She diverts her blue eyes back towards her sorting hangers job and I walk towards a large pile of clothes stacked in a pile, knowing what my job is this morning. I sigh heavily as I begin picking out all the same clothes from the pile and putting them in a seperate pile - the only difference between the items being the sizes.
"What are you up to this weekend then?" I ask Hadley, who's not too far away from me, she stands up momentarily and stretches her back before sighing and bending back down to continue.
"Nothing really, James wants to us to go see his parents but I kind of just wanted a weekend in I guess, I don't really get anything like that anymore" She groans and I hum in agreement. Hadley and James have been married for about 6 months now, and they are an extremely outgoing couple. Every weekend they're partying or visiting relatives or trying out new activities and I can tell how tired she is just by seeing the bags under her eyes on a monday morning. I've met James on a few occasions; one obviously being his wedding, and he seems like a good guy; very adventurous I must say.
"Aw that sounds nice" I plaster a fake smile on my face and she looks at me sternly before rolling her eyes. I chuckle to myself, continuing with my job.
"What about you?"
I think for a while before answering.
"I don't know, I guess I would like to go and visit my gramps and Sophia, it's been a while" I shrug.
"I need to meet this Sophia, you speak about her a hell of a lot, and i'm honestly getting a little scared that she's going to take my role as bestfriend" She acts hurt and places her hand on her heart, causing me to laugh. Me and Hadley have been friends for about 2 years now and we're extremely close. I was a bridesmaid for her at her wedding, and I also organised her 21st birthday party which was held in Rio. There's a photo in my purse and in my apartment of us two at her party and it's possibly my favourite photo because we were both laughing and none of us knew that it had been taken until we went to get the photos developed and voila, there it was. She was dressed in a strapless blue and white flowy dress, whilst I was wearing a dark brown strapless frock. (photo on the side)
"Nobody could ever replace you Hadley" I joke. "There's this other girl aswell, Ronnie, but we didn't necessarily end on the best note, but I know for a fact I would love to see her again" I sigh sadly, I haven't seen Ronnie since that day we argued and Sophia kicked her out, part of me knows that what she did shouldn't be forgotten about - but a part of me misses her like crazy. She saved my life all those years back. I haven't seen Soph in about a year, I got back in contact with her about 9 months after I moved to Kent, purely because I missed her so badly, and ever since then we've been meeting at least 3 times a year - but not in Holmes Chapel, we usually meet at a halfway point between there and here.
"Well I want to meet these girls, I want to know of your life before I knew you" She tells me and I sigh, knowing for a fact that she wouldn't look at me the same if I did tell her. Even though she's outgoing and has most likely got into mischief before, i'm sure she would have second thoughts on our friendship if she found out that I was in many dangerous gangs, or held countless guns at just 15.
"My past is my past. Here, with Luke, you, and my family, is my future"
Harry's POV

Just can't let her go (Little white Lies sequel)
Fanfiction"I used to think that you were supposed to love the people who loved you back, as if we had a choice in choosing who we handed our hearts to. I think it's funny how it all works out, like you can love someone so much and they will be in love with so...