Chapter 2 a gate to another world

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3rd pov

Somewhere at mordor forest. Kyluron, ratbag, and his Urak fellowers where making the abandon buildings as their camp.

Ratbag: my lord we are finish with your camp my lord.

Kyluron: good now you guys rest.

Ratbag: it will be done my lord.

The witch king reaper with 9 nazguls.

Witch king: I have found all 9 now our plans begins.

Kyluron: yes.

Two uraks then came.

Urak: uhh boss we found something.

Kyluorn:*looked at him* show me.


Kyluron and his Urak then found what look like an arch of stone.

Kyluron: hmm I wonder what this is?

Witch king: it looks like an portal to another world.

Kyluron: which one does it goes?

Witch king: I have no idea?

Kyluron then uses his magical and open the door to another world.

Kyluron: uraks defend the arc.

Kyluron then enter the world.

Another world

Kyluron was looking around to see how this world looks different even the witch king appear.

Witch king: this world looks very interesting.

Kyluron: yes it is.

Kyluron then got teleported to the square to see everyone.

Kyluron: what is this?

Witch king: it looks like we been teleported.

They both looked to see the sky and saw the man in he the hood. They both heard his voice.


Everyone was scared and panicking while kyluron and the witch king was not panicking.

Kyluron: that's just the stupids thing I ever see in my enter life.

Witch king: this man is a fool we can't die.

Kyluron: true this world is stupid.

Witch king: this game sword art online is quite interesting.

Kyluron: yes interesting.

The player girl then looked at her.

Player girl: uhh sir you seem to be....,

He then looked at her silent with his mask.

Player girl:......:

Kyluron: what are you looking at?

Player girl just was silent and scared.

Kyluron: ugh what ever.

Kyluron just walked away.


Somewhere in an old abandoned fort kyluron had found a arc portal so he summoned it. As the portal appear a group of uraks cane out of the portal. Ratbag then appear.

Ratbag: ahh Master I was hoping that your gone.

Kyluron: yeah what ever. He then put a spell on the fort.

Ratbag: what's that?

Kyluron: A disguise for the fort for my plans.

Kyluron then turn into a dark sport and disappear.

Ratbag: I never know he can do that.


A boy named Klein was already at the abandoned fort.

Klein: heh a fort this will be easy.

He then enter the old abandoned fort until he heard some noise.

Klein: who's there!!!

He then took his sword out. As there was a green mist. A nazgul spawn into the real world and looked at him. Klein looked at it and defeat while he screams. Klein then hit his sword and the nazgul disappear with his sword. He then collected it while he looked to see a black creature talking a weird language. He then scream making Klein scream and ran away. The witch king then appear.

Witch king: he stole the sword of one of your servants.

Kyluron: we will get it.

Kyluron in his sport form then fly to the air at the square.


Kyluron in his dark spirt then looked around and saw Klein running in a tavern.

Meanwhile at the tavern

Kirito with his new party was just talking until Klein enter the door in a rush.

Klein: Kirito Kirito!!!!

Kirito: Klein why are you here?

Sachi: is he your friend?

Kirito: yes. *looks at Klein* Klein why are you here?

Klein: this!

He then threw a sword down to see the others about this sword.

Klein: this is not from any game or bets that I see in my entire life.

Kyluron: yoka ra maka ke ja. ( You are right.)

Then a black spirt then crash the tavern making them scared. Kirito then unsheathe his sword.

Kirito: why are you here!!!

Kyluron: swo ka e na ge ja more ya. ( the sword that the boy stole)

Kirito: what?

Kyluron use his magic and appear the nazgul. He then got his sword and disappear. Kyluron then turn his spirt into his armor form. Kyle in his armor form grab kirito's head and threw him. Kirito then scream in pain until kyluron grab his face again. Kirito then slash his hand with his ring and kyluorn then scream. His armor then exploded and Kirito thought he was killed. Kirito saw his ring and took it.


Kyluorn's spirt came back to the fort and called the ring wraths. As 9 came he then order his servant.

Kyluron: ka groon e gee na mo ma. ( fine the ring from the boy)

The ring wrath's then float and separate to fine the ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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