Second: it's a story, not a text.

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Short rant

Pretty simple right? Everyone understands this right? Knowing the difference between a text message that only your friends or family will read is different to a story that everyone has access to is something that everyone knows right?


I don't know if the people who writes like this is doing it on purpose or not but it gets on the readers nerves to read such a great plot in the summary then get this:

Dave dived down deep😏😏😏😏 in the deep end of the 🌊🌊🌊🌊 he comes up to the surface with a gasp😂

"Y r u so beautiful?" He whispered 😍😍😍 at the 🌊🌊🌊

First off, lose the damn emojis. They're so damn distracting! Also emojis are not punctuation or words so don't use them as such!

Dave dived down deep in the deep end of the pool, he comes up to the surface with a gasp.

"Y r u so beautiful?" He whispered lovingly at the water...

Next! Are you illiterate or just plain lazy? 'Y', 'r' and 'u' are not words! They are letters! Where are your school or home teachers for crying out loud?!? When read out loud the letters can be confused as words but if you're reading inside your head, which I believe most people do, they are just plain confusing!

Story time! The first ever time I had came across this way of writing a story I spent 2 and a half hours trying to comprehend this madness! I had to get my friends and family in to help me figure it out like some annoying riddle!

Dave dived down deep in the deep end of the pool, he comes up to the surface with a gasp.

"Why are you so beautiful?" He whispered lovingly at the water...

There! Is it so hard to write a story when you're trying to write a story instead of just writing down your incoherent text history?!?

The only reason that won't immediately turn me away from a story because of this is because it's a one off thing for April fools day, or the characters themselves are texting but the writing must be in a recognisable texting format like:


I just love you water🌊 Date me and I'll treat you like a princess, I'm a nice guy

Water 🌊

r/niceguys alert 🚨 leave me alone.


Well F U too, think your better than me!

Water 🌊


Water 🌊 Blocked Dave

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