I took stuff from other sites and complied them here.

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During the OFF anniversary stream, Mortis Ghost made several comments and jokes about the Batter.

The Batter is a lesbian.
The Batter would not dab, isn't a fun guy, but likes dad jokes.
He can dance, but he doesn't like to.
The Batter and the Queen are not married.
The Batter and Zacharie as a romantic pairing could potentially work in an alternate universe.
His sexuality is actually still up for debate, but after stating that the Bad Batter is asexual and knowing what he said about the Batter and Zacharie, it may be safe to say that he is not heterosexual.

'' how do u deal with ur problems and failures?''

'' where are the specters hiding? I can't find them.''
" Oh, look! What's this behind your ear? Golly, it's a specter! How about that! WHERE ARE THE REST OF THEM HIDING? I'M ONTO YOU."


•angels smoking on a street corner bc they kno it won’t hurt them
•angels crying
•their wings only being visible when they’re angry or experiencing strong emotion
•u can feel the buzz in the air when ur around an angel, like ur in a thunderstorm
•an angel wearing their halo on their wrist and disguising it next to like 5 glow stick bracelets
•they can all sing beautifully and hauntingly
•angels being able to play any musical instrument n just generally having a deep connection with music
•if ur asleep around an angel u always have vivid dreams

•plants grow faster when an angel is around
•angels are immune to heat, and their halos are burning to the touch; when it rains, they steam
•some angels will come out at halloween to help stop kids from getting lost; some will come out because it’s the only time they can have their wings on show
•an angel’s touch is good luck. a kiss is great luck
•where ppls moods are sometimes influenced by the environment, an angel’s mood influences the world around them. if u ever start crying for no reason, there’s a good chance that a sad angel is nearby
•clouds form differently above the heads of angels
•the outlines of their wings can b partially seen in rain, and the tops of them can b seen clearly when it snows
•if an angel is out on nights with a full moon, they’ll often glow softly along with it

Photos, all by bad-battuer on tumblr :

Photos, all by bad-battuer on tumblr :

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