Chapter 8

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Kurapika storms away after his plan failed misabearly to try and separate the two males. He growled quietly as he tried to think of where the two men could've been hiding. He continues to walk on the streets in search of the gang base. The clouds rolled in slowly, and it held a hollow shade of grey...

'I just have to hope that I put the poison in the needle correctly,' Kurapika remembers how he put the poison on the needle. Trying his hardest to be precise. 'If I did it correctly, the black-haired man should die in a couple of hours. I just hope it works.'

Kurapika returns to the secret base, and sees all the gang members drunk on the floor.
Meanwhile at Killua's secret location...

"Killua, I'm going to ask you again. Where am I?" Gon askes holding onto Killua's shoulders.

After sharing a passionate moment, they finally had to figure out a plan and reveal everything that has happened so far.

"You're in my apartment," Killua replied. "I started living here after I joined the gang. I came here so I could clear my head, and get away from the group once in a while."

"Man, you really hate your gang. Why don't you quit?"

"Well, I can quit now."

"What do you mean?"

"I meant that...the only reason that I decided to join was to find you."

Gon blushed, but he immediately snapped out of it as he still had questions to be answered," Who shot me, Killua?"

"One of the people from my gang. He's known as Kurapika."

"Kurapika? That name sounds so familiar."

"Don't tell me that you've guys met..."

"Probably, but I won't look into it. Why did Kurapika shot me?"

"Because he wants me to focus on the gang and not other people. He thinks that the gang is the top priority."

"He sounds... dedicated."

"Yeah, dedicated. What are we going to do about them?"

"Can't we just leave town and try to start a new life...with No gang's at all? You can move back with me to my home town."

"And where is that at?"

"Whale Island. We can live there and you can meet my Aunt Mito and my grandma Abe. I'm sure you guys will get along fine. We can live there and live a clean life. No more crimes, gang's, or killing. We'll be set for life and have nothing else to worry about. What do you say? Will you live with me?"

"....Of course, I will."

This was the beginning of a new fresh life as they both come up with a plan to leave Yorknew City that same night. They board an airship to Whale Island a little later midnight estimating that they would reach the Island in a few hours.

A/N: God, where do I start? I know the ending is rushed, but that is honestly where I wanted to stop it. I was going to make it more descriptive, but I'm tired you guys. I have Summer School, so I haven't been able to update as much as I wanted to. So please excuse me being late for updating this story. I know you guys have been waiting for this chapter.

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