The Incident Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Gone Camping

    It was a dull boring night for Max, his friends, his little sister Savan and his crush Lia, they all were in Max’s parents house and they have absolutely nothing to do, Max said, “Agh, guys I’m so bored, there’s nothing to do,” BonnieFan said, “I know right, wish there was something to do,” Thalia replied, “I have an idea on what we can do,” Funtime Freddy asked, “Oh really? What’s your idea?” Thalia said, “Maybe we should go camping, we haven’t ever done that before,” Savan said, “Ooo camping, I wanna go!” Kayla walked in, looked at Savan and said, “Camping ah?” Savan looked at Kayla and pleaded, “Please mom can I go camping?” Kayla replied, “If you’re brother is going to be with you, then okay.” Savan looked at Max hoping he was going, Max said, “I’ll go, it sounds like fun.” Savan’s eyes widen with excitement, she ran up to Max, hugged him, Max hugged back and Savan said, “Thank you so much big bro,” Max said, “Anytime sis,” BonnieFan said, “Let’s get the stuff ready and let’s go, what should we bring?” Max and Savan let go of each other, Max stood up and said, “Obviously a tent, maybe some fishing rods in case we want to go fishing, swimsuits because I know a great place for camping and it has a lake if we wanna go swimming,we should also bring marshmallows for s'mores, hmmm, what else?” Thalia said, “Maybe a hunting knife just in case we come across any danger, sleeping bags, tarts for in case it rains, polls, stakes, firewood, a lighter and some pillows so we don’t have our heads hurting while we’re asleep,” Max said, “Alright, I’ll also bring my guitar so I can play it while we’re sitting around the campfire,” BonnieFan said, “Great idea, let’s do it,” everyone said, “Alright,” Max said, “Hey guys, how long should we stay at the campsite?” Funtime Freddy said, “Um...I don’t know actually,” Funtime Foxy said, “I have no idea,” BonnieFan said, “I don’t know, four, five, six days?” Savan said, “I wanna do five days,” Max said, “Alright, who ever says we should stay for five days, raise your hand.” Everyone that was in the room raised their hand and so did Max, they all put their hands down when three seconds passed, Max said, “Alright, five days it is then,” Savan exclaimed in excitement, “Yay!” Thalia saw how excited Savan was, she looked at Max and said, “Man, Max your sister seems really excited about this,” Max said, “I know, this is her first time camping and she’s wanted to do it for a long time,” Thalia asked, “For how long?” Max started to think and said, “I’d say for about..hmm..two years now,” Thalia was surprised by that answer and said, “Wow..two years, seriously?” Max replied, “Yeah, every since I went to summer camp to volunteer two years ago, my sister has always wanted to bring here they but my parents always said no,” Savan said, “It’s true,” Thalia looked at Savan and then Savan said, “I wanted to go camping for so long but I wasn’t able too, but now I can,” Lia said, “Guys, let’s get the stuff ready and let’s leave the in the afternoon tomorrow ,” Max said, “Alright, let’s do this guys.”

    A few hours have passed and Max was driving in his car to the gun shop to buy some stuff, when Max go to the shop, he parked his car in the parking lot that was near the gun shop, he got out of his car and put his sunglasses inside, he closed the door to his car and locked it making sure no one could rob it, he walked into the gun store, saw a lot of stuff like bulletproof chests, camo shirts, camo pants, Max walked up the cashier and said “Hello there, what can I do for you today?” Max said, “Hey, I’m here to get a glock 19 ,” the cashier said, “Alright, it’s in the back, I’ll be right back.” The cashier went to the back to get the guns Max needed, Max looked on the counter and saw a picture, when Max got a better look of the picture, he said that it was a picture of him, a woman and a little girl, the woman in the picture was holding the little kid, the cashier came back with the glock 19, Max saw he came back, the cashier put the gun on the counter with the ammo, Max paid for the gun and the ammo, the cashier gave him his change and Max said, “The picture you have, is that a picture of you, your wife and your kid?” the cashier sighed said, “Yeah, that is, why?” Max replied, “I was just curious, also, why do you have a picture of them with you if you can go see them yourself?” The cashier sighed and said, “Well...I don’t really get to see them often, my wife is always at work and so am I, when we both are home, my daughter is with my parents at their house, my wife picks her and drives her home while I’m here still working,” Max said, “Man, that sucks,” the cashier said, “Yeah, it kinda does, anyway, is that all you need or there something else you need?” Max said, “No, that’s all I need, thanks,” the cashier said, “Alright.” Max got the gun and the ammo, he started to walk to the door but stopped, he said, “What’s your name by the way?” The cashier said, “Oh, it’s Jake,” Max said, “Alright Jake, my name is Max and it’s time for me to go, bye.” Max left with his stuff and he headed to his car, when Max got in his car, he put his sunglasses on and drove off.

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