The Incident Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Remembering old times and being forgotten

        Later, they got to the cafe, Lia parked the car in the small parking lot next to the cafe, everyone got out, Max locked the car, they went inside, they all sat a table together, Max looked at the menu, the waitress walked up to them and asked, “Welcome to Cannibal Cafe, may I take your order?” Max said, “Yeah, I’ll have the-” Max recognized the voice, he put down the menu, he looked at the waitress, he knew who it was and he said, “Oh my god, Dash, is that really you?” she replied saying, “Yeah, I’m Dash, how do you know my name?” Max took his hoodie off, he got up, Dash gasped and said, “Oh my gosh..Max is that really you?” Max nodded his head yes while saying, “Yeah, it is me Dash.” Dash got so happy that she hugged Max, everyone looked at Max and Dash, Lia got up, Dash let go of Lia, Dash hugged Lia and Lia hugged back, Lia said, “Me and Max missed you Dash,” Dash replied, “I missed both of you as well.” Everyone seem confused so BonnieFan asked, “What’s happening right now?” Max looked at BonnieFan and said, “Well, me and Lia have found an old friend of ours, we haven’t seen her since middle school, it’s been like.” Max starts to think and Lia said, “It’s been eleven years since we last saw her.” Max stopped thinking, Lia looked at the others and Max said, “Oh yeah, it has been eleven years,” Funtime Freddy said, “Damn, that’s a really long time,” Funtime Foxy said, “Sounds kinda rough,” BonnieFan said, “Yeah it does,” Max said, “Yeah it kinda was, but we managed,” Lia said, “Yeah,” Dash said, “Oh and also, Max and Lia, I gotta tell you both something.” Max and Lia looked at Dash and Max asked, “What’s up?” Dash said, “Max, you still have that bandana after all this time huh?” Max replied, “Yeah, I’ve had it when I started my Junior year of High school,” Dash said, “Oh yeah, also, while we haven’t seen each other for so long, I meet someone and I want you guys too meet him, but I’m going to have to call him over, is that okay?” Max said, “I’m good with that,” Lia said, “Same here.” Everyone else agreed, Dash pulled out her phone, she called someone and she talked with that person for a while. Dash hung up after a while, she looked at them and said, “He’ll be here soon,” Max asked, “Who is it?” Dash replied, “Oh you’ll find out once he comes Max, you may remember him.” Max seemed confused and didn’t know who she was talking about, but Max left it to be a mystery until he came, in Max’s mind he was saying to himself, “Who could this person be? Dash said I would remember him once he comes, but who could it be? Meh, I’ll find out.”

    Later, the person came in, Max saw him and he noticed that it was Damion and he got happy, Damion walked up to Dash, he put his arm around her and Dash said, “Guys, this is,” Max got up and cut Dash off by saying “Damion, what’s up man, haven’t seen you in a while,” Damion saw Max, he let go of Dash and walked up to Max and said, “Max, hey dude, how’s it going?” Max replied, “It’s been going good, haven’t seen you in a while,” Dash asked, “Wait, you two are ready know each other?” Max looked at Dash and said, “Oh yeah, we were both on the same baseball team in high school,” Damion asked, “You still got that good throwing arm Max?” Max replied, “Yep,” Dash said, “Damion, aren’t we gonna show them what happened?” Damion looked at Dash and said, “Oh yeah, sorry bout that.” He walked up to Dash, he put his arm around her and he looked at everyone. Max seemed a bit confused but he sat down and Dash said, “So guys, me and Damion have been together for a long time and almost 5 months ago, he, well, I’ll show you.” Dash put her hand up and she was wearing an engagement ring, everyone gasped and Lia said, “Oh my god, you both are getting married?” Damion said, “We are, and you guys are invited to our wedding,” BonnieFan said, “Oh my god, I’ve never been to a wedding before,” Savan didn’t say anything, Thalia said, “Congrats,” Funtime Freddy said, “That’s amazing,” Funtime Foxy mumbled to herself, “I hope Funtime Freddy will ask me the same thing,” Funtime Freddy looked at Funtime Foxy and asked, “What was that Funtime Foxy?” Funtime Foxy blushed and said, “N-Nothing,” Funtime Freddy said, “Well…okay” Dash said, “I am so excited to get married, the wedding is going to start in about a month, everything is almost all set, we’re just missing a few but we can handle it,” Max said, “Oh cool, when is the wedding?” Damion said, “It’s going to start in a month, me and Dash are excited to get married.” Everyone got up and started to talk with Dash and Damion, everyone but Max, he tried to say, “Hey, um..guys…my birthday is in a month.” No one seemed to listen, Max sighed and said, “It’s fine…I..I guess…you guys won’t care.” Max didn’t say anything after that.

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