Chapter Twenty: Dark Wish, Part 3.

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A/N: Here is the last part where they finally get the Legendary Powers! Enjoy!

EDITED ON MAY 20TH, 2019 @ 11:17PM

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WE SAW CITIZENS BEING HANDLED by foot soldiers. "Any human who doesn't obey the law will be taken to the mines." Necrolai announced. "This is horrible." Madison said. "They've taken over the whole city, and there's nothing we can do about it." Chip stated.

"The world belongs to the forces of darkness." Necrolai continued saying. "We failed." Xander said. Suddenly, we heard a music box play as Toby was playing it. Necrolai grabbed it. "You were told once! Music is forbidden!" Necrolai informed. "But it's just a little music box." Toby argued.

"The law is the law." Necrolai told him. "Seize him!" Necrolai ordered as the foot soldiers got to Toby. "No!" Toby said. We watched Toby being dragged away. "If we had our magic, they wouldn't get away with this." Xander said. "Help! Would somebody help me?" Toby asked.

"Magic or no magic, I'm not gonna stand by and watch this." Nick said as he headed to help Toby. "Come on!" Vida said. I followed the others into helping Nick. I was fighting some of the foot soldiers. We all circled together. "Well, well, look who's back." Necrolai stated. "What are you gonna do to us?" Madison asked. "Something I've wanted to do for a long time — annihilate you!" Necrolai replied.

That's when the sky suddenly cleared and it was back to normal. Our morphers appeared in our hands. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm feeling the magic." Nick said. "No!" Necrolai shouted. "Ready!" Nick said. "Ready!" The rest of us replied. "Magical Source, Mystic Force!" We all yelled. We all morphed. "Bring it on!" Necrolai challenged. We all began fighting the foot soldiers once more. "Magic Staff! Ice Power!" I shouted as I blasted ice shards at the foot soldiers I was fighting.

We started fighting the foot soldiers who were messing with citizens. I noticed a few of them were surrounding Tessa. "I got this covered. Run!" I told her. "Thanks, uh, Silver Ranger. Can you make sure my brothers alright? I couldn't find him." Tessa asked.

"I promise you he's okay. Go!" I shouted. She just nodded and ran off. I kicked one of the foot soldiers. Fightoe suddenly grew big. "Take it to the Titans!" Nick said as we changed into our Titan form and then got into our Megazord. Rocks came at us as we broke each of them. "Titan Megazord Galaxy Slash!" All of us shouted. We ended up destroying his staff.

We were all at Root Core as we all cheered. "Going to the Tribunal of Magic took a lot of guts, and I can't believe Koragg helped you." Daggeron said. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. This whole mess happened because of me." Jenji stated. "It's not your fault, Jenji. You had to grant the wish." Madison told him. "The danger isn't over yet, Rangers. Two of the Barbarian Beasts are still..." The sound of the crystal ball interrupted Udonna.

"You had to say it." Vida said. "Talk about good timing." I added. "We meet again, Rangers." 50 Below said. Both of the beasts charged at us as we took out our staffs. We began fighting Fightoe one on one. Daggeron ended up demorphing.

"I thought it would be harder to defeat a knight." 50 Below said. "How about two knights?" Koragg asked as he suddenly appeared. Koragg started attacking 50 Below as Jenji helped Daggeron up. We got attacked by Fightoe once more. "We should have done our best to defeat these guys when we had the chance." Vida stated.

"We took the easy way by using Jenji." Chip said. "Face it, guys. We got lazy." Xander added. "That's what the Tribunal was trying to tell me, but I wouldn't listen." Nick said. We got attacked by Fightoe and 50 Below until we suddenly dodged it and were on the bridge.

"Daggeron, they're okay. Go, Rangers! Go!" Jenji cheered. "They have more power." Koragg commented. "We sure do. Let's show 'em what we got." Nick said as all of us got out our morphers.

"Legendary Source, Mystic Force!" We all yelled. All of our suits changed. As always, I went first as I appeared and ice came from under me. Dragon-like ears was on my helmet and I had a golden chest plate with a silver gem and white boots and gloves.

"Element of Ice — Silver Legend Warrrior!" I shouted.

Xander went next. "Element of Earth — Green Legend Warrior!"

"Element of Wind — Pink Legend Warrior!" Vida shouted.

"Element of Water — Blue Legend Warrior!" Madison yelled.

"Element of Lighting — Yellow Legend Warrior!" Chip shouted.

"Element of Fire — Red Legend Warrior!" Nick yelled.

"We call forth the power of light magic! Mystic Force, Legend Warriors!" We all shouted. "Incredible." Koragg commented. We all headed down from the bridge. "We're not afraid." 50 Below stated. "Mystic Lion Staffs!" We all yelled. "I'll make the first call. Code 1! Rockslide!" Xander said as he attacked them.

"My turn! Code 1! Ice Avalanche!" I shouted as I made a circle with my staff and an ice avalanche appeared on top of 50 Below and Fightoe. Vida went next. "Code 1! Whirlwind!" Vida said as she attacked them. "Code 1! Tidal Wave!" Madison yelled as she attacked them as well. "Code 1! Lightning Bolt!" Chip said. The attack went straight to them.

"Code 1! Fire storm!" Nick shouted. 50 Below and Fightoe fell to the ground. "Down for the count!" Nick said. "This is too much for me! I'll see you in the dog pound!" Fightoe said as he started to leave. "Ultimate ice!" 50 Below said. "Code 2! This is gonna take a team effort!" Nick said as all of us raised our staffs in the air.

"Legend Warriors, United Formation!" We all shouted as we connected our staffs together. We destroyed 50 Below. "Daggeron!" Nick shouted. A machine began fighting Daggeron. "I hope this is good news." Nick said.

"Very good. The legend mode also comes with Megazord powers. Follow the codes on your Mystic Lion Staffs." Udonna said. "Excellent." Xander said. "Legendary Source, Mystic Force!" We all shouted as we got into Legendary mode.

All of us pressed Code 3. "Legend of the Sky, Mystic Firebird!" Nick shouted. "Legend of the Jungle, Mystic Lion!" Xander, Vida, Madison, Chip and I shouted. We each attacked the machine. We changed into our Megazord as we fought the machine once more.

"Legend Striker!" We all shouted as we got out our weapon and attacked. "Striker, Spin attack!" We all yelled as the weapon began to spin as we finally destroyed the machine. We all laughed. Vida was on Chip's back. "We really did it, guys. No more barbarian beasts." Xander said as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Oh, and we still got time to make it back to the party." Vida informed. That's when Koragg showed up. "Just so we are clear, our alliance is over, Rangers." Koragg stated. "It doesn't have to be." Madison told him. "I only serve The Master." Koragg said. "Got it. We're back to being enemies. But don't forget, Koragg, We've got more power than ever." Nick said.

"Which would make my victory all the more satisfying when I defeat you." Koragg replied as he walked away. We arrived at the Rock Porium. "Sorry we're late, Toby." Madison said. "We forgot the cake." Xander added.

"We made it ourselves." Nick stated. "Yep, the old-fashioned way with hard work." Vida said. "Well, she said "hard work," not "good work."" Chip added as Vida lit the candle. "I love it." Toby said. Everyone cheered. "Okay. Uh, I'll just make a wish." Toby said.

"No!" All of us shouted.

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A/N: Whoop! I have a track meet tomorrow. I'm honestly not looking forward to it but I kinda am since it's our first home meet. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1343 words.

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