Chapter Twenty-One: Koragg's Trial.

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A/N: We're not even through halfway of this book yet. Enjoy!

EDITED ON MAY 22ND, 2019 @ 9:48PM

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"...HATE SUNDAYS. I AM NOT supposed to be working today. It's my day off!" Nick complained as we were painting. "And you're filling in for Xander, just as he'd fill in for you if you had a cold." Madison told him. Vida walked over to Chip.

Chip accidently got green paint on Vida as Vida took a roller and plastered red paint all over his face. "Guys, come on! Xander's sick. We don't have time for goofing around." Nick told them. Vida and Chip smirked at each other. They both had paint in their hands. "No, no." Nick said.

"Hey, Nick..." Chip said. Madison and I joined them as we moved our paint brushes towards Nick. "Vida, no. No, No, don't." Chip said. Nick was moving away as we painted each other. "It's Koragg. He wants to fight." Nick told us. We arrived at the beach shore. "I don't see him. Nick said. "Come on, Koragg!" Nick shouted.

That's when Koragg appeared from the water. "There he is!" Chip exclaimed. "Only five? It will have to do." Koragg said. "Five is plenty! Let's power up!" Nick said. "Legend Warriors!" We all shouted as we got into Legendary mode. Nick made the first attack but nothing happened. "Wolf attack!" Koragg shouted as he attacked Nick. Chip was next as he fell to the ground.

Madison and Vida tried to attack him but he blocked it as well. "Dark Magic Strike!" Koragg yelled as he attacked us. "We're not doing so well." Madison said. "Got that right." Vida agreed. "Come on, Rangers!" Nick said. "Your move." Koragg said.

We ended up getting knocked out of Legendary mode. "He knocked us out of Legend warrior." Vida said. Koragg pointed his sword towards Nick. "It is time, Red Ranger. I have defeated your legend power. Now I will defeat you." Koragg said as he raised his sword.

That's when vines suddenly appeared and grabbed onto Koragg's sword. "Am I late?" Xander asked. "The Green Ranger." Koragg said. "Xander!" I shouted. "Let's do it!" Nick said. "Legend Warrior!" We all shouted as we changed into Legendary mode. "Impossible!" Koragg exclaimed.

"Thanks, X." Nick said. Xander just put a thumbs up in reply. Koragg aimed his attack at us as we dodged it. Each of us attacked him one by one. "I'm not done yet." Koragg informed. "We'll see about that." Nick said. "Code 2! Legend Warriors, United Formation!" We all yelled. Koragg fell to the ground.

"I guess you're feeling better." Nick said. "Couldn't let you guys have all the fun." Xander stated. "Ranger up!" Nick told him. "Magical Source, Mystic Force!" Xander shouted as he morphed. He then got into Legendary mode. "Follow me, if you dare!" Koragg said.

That's when he got into his Megazord. "It's time to go Code 4!" We all said. "Legend of the Jungle, Mystic Lion!" Xander, Chip, Madison, Vida, and I shouted. "Legend of the Sky, Mystic Firebird!" Nick yelled. We then changed into our Megazord. "Manticore Megazord!" We shouted.

"Your end is near." Koragg said. We began fighting Koragg. We got out our weapon and prepared for an attack just as Koragg did the same. It exploded as it attacked Koragg. "Guess you're feeling better." Nick said to Xander. "Good enough to fight." Xander replied. "Then let's give him all we got!" Nick stated. We charged towards him.

"Manticore Lasers!" We all shouted. We attacked Koragg as he fell to the ground. That's when our Megazord began to turn red. "Hey, what's going on?" Chip asked. "I have a bad feeling about this, guys." I told them. Imperious laughed evilly. "The virus will take down your Megazord. Wait until The Master hears about this." Imperious said. We fell to the ground.

"Imperious, stop." Koragg said. "We're in trouble!" Nick informed. Koragg raised his sword, looking like he was about to attack us. That's when Koragg removed the virus from us. We all gasped. "Did Koragg just help us?" I asked. "Traitor!" Imperious accused. "It's wrong to leave them defenseless." Koragg said. "You fool!" Imperious said as he disappeared. "I will only win with honor." Koragg claimed as he disappeared as well.

We were back at the Rock Porium still painting. "You are gonna help us, right, Xander?" Nick asked. "I've heard paint fumes can be bad for one recovering from a cold, so I'll supervise from here." Xander replied as he coughed. "Hey, you guys might want to use midnight orange. It's — It's really beautiful." Xander commented.

"I'm not sure who I don't understand more— Xander or Koragg." Nick said. "You and me both, Nick." I agreed. "What are you talking about?" Vida asked. "Xander is... Xander." Nick replied. We all laughed. "Koragg... Does anyone but me ever think about why he never finishes off a fight?" Nick asked. "Huh?" Madison questioned. Our morphers suddenly rang.

"Daggeron needs help." Udonna informed. We stopped what we were doing immediately and left. We ended up saving Daggeron just in time before Imperious destroyed him. "Nick, come with me. You guys go after Koragg." Daggeron said. Xander, Chip, Madison, Vida and I headed to fight Koragg. While Nick and Daggeron fought Imperious. "I say we go legend or go home!" Vida said. "Legendary Source, Mystic Force!" We all shouted.

We changed into Legendary mode. We started fighting Koragg once more. We all fired at once to attack Koragg. Until he disappeared. "Next time Udonna wants some beetle's bane, I'm sending Clare." Daggeron stated as we all laughed. We finally ended up finishing painting.

"It's— well, it's..." Madison started off. "Awful." Vida finished for her. "Yeah. Yeah, that's the word I was looking for." Madison said. "Look what you've done. Toby trusted you guys to create a mural that signifies the uniqueness of the store while still honoring the essence of music, and this is what you give him." Xander said. That's when Toby came out and saw our finished work. "This is... shocking." Toby started off.

"I've never seen anything like it. You think people walking by are gonna stop and look at this and want to come into my store?" Toby asked. Xander shook his head. "Well, I do. It's beautiful... whatever it is." Toby said. "Good work, guys." He complimented.

"Thanks, boss. We worked really hard at this. It was hard to keep these guys believing in my vision, but I think we pulled it off." Xander said. "Good work. You can be proud of yourselves. Oh, yeah." Toby said as he walked off. We all looked at Xander.

"What? What did I do?" Xander asked. We all got our paint brushes and paint rollers ready. I grabbed a bucket of green paint. Xander started backing up. "Guys, guys, come on. Be cool. Be cool, guys. Tanner, you're my best friend. You wouldn't do this to me." Xander said.

"Green really is your color." I told him as I splashed green paint all over him with the others joining me.

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A/N: Sorry this took so long to update. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1203 words.

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