Chapter 13

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I listened intensively about this Allen guy as Sharen spoke.

"Allen was my first real boyfriend. I met him in college and from that point on we were inseparable. Two years after us dating, Allen finally popped the question. Of course I said yes. I thought I was in love. But things started to take a turn. He started coming home late, he barely wanted to touch me, it was like we were roommates. So I did a little investigation." Sharen stopped what she was saying and looked down at her hands.

"Go ahead Sharen, finish telling me." I said, trying to soothe her.

"La One night I decided enough was enough. So I went on a following spree. I sat outside his job until he got off from work and followed him until he reached someone's house. It was a woman of course. I wasn't mad because I already knew that he was cheating. But, once we reached the second house, Allen blew my mind. My boyfriend and fiancé of 6 years was have sexual relations with a woman... and a man.

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