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-song is part of this chapter-

[Baz's point of view]

Yesterday I met an angel called ryan, he could have been the one I saw on that cloud the other day but, eh I don't really know, I was sat on a tree looking up at the sky when I saw something falling, my eyes widened and I saw Ryan, falling from the sky, I jolted up. Spread my wings and flew up. To him, his wings were falling apart with feathers going everywhere, I flew below him and caught him just before he hit the ground, he looked unconscious but I wasn't sure, I held him in a bridal style for a little looking at him carefully, he was kinda cute like this, I realized my face was turning red, "damn." I'd mumble realizing i'd fallen for him, I just couldn't help it, since yesterday all I could think about was him, his smile his big brown eyes, just everything on him was perfect, I'd set him down on some grass and wait for him to wake up, it felt like hours before he did, and then he did he opened his brown eyes that glistened in the sunlight, "w-where am I..?" he would slowly mumble, "you were falling from the sky and I saved you," I'd reply with a smile, his eyes would jolt to me and look into mine, "t-thank you b-baz." he would shyly mumble, "it wasn't a problem Ryan," I'd smile at him, he sat up and tried to flap his wings before I stopped him, "Ryan, no you can't fly your wings are broken". I would said to him, he would look back at me and sigh, "yeah.." he would slowly si back down and look at his broken wings before shuffling closer to me, I didn't notice this at first before he kept shuffling closer to me, and then he rested his head on my shoulder, I jolted a little at the contact but I got used to it, we stayed like that for hours on end, and before i knew it Ryan had fallen asleep on my shoulder, I'd chuckle at him he was making cute sounds in his sleep, he just looked so adorable like this, I decided i would find some place where we could stay for the night so, i picked him up in a bridal style and Spread my wings and flew up to a tree placed Ryan on it, i would lay down and place ryan on my stomach rubbing his back as i fell asleep too,.

Bazamalam x 8-bitryan ~the demon and the angel~Where stories live. Discover now