Chapter 10: Battle Memory

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New York. Circa 2 years ago.

The four being Olivia, Andrew, Marcus, and Isabella have barely known each other for a year now, the winter snow has gotten worse and Faye Lou has sent several agents into the field to find new safe houses for their refugees as it was getting full in Delta. With so many out, she had forgotten about the supplies for their current refugees and not the new ones being sent over. She then calls in Andrew as she can see that he is reliable for the next mission.

"Glad you can be here Andrew," Faye tells Andrew as he walks in, he just came back from a mission in the dark zone from gathering some intel for a cure.

"Andrews was my father, call me Brad," he winks.

"It'll take time before I do so," she tells him.

"What's the problem today Captain?" he asks.

"We have a bit of a situation, I've miscalculated and realized we're running short on food, water, even basic pain killers," she told him.

"So I'm going to need you to scavenge the Surplex in the south," she told him.

"Sounds good, I'll go tell Marcus of our new mission," Faye brought up her palm towards him.

"As much as I trust you both, you'll need to find two other agents to help out," she explained.

"Youll be loading the truck with as much as you can, so you'll need eyes on your back, your first mission will be to find other agents that are willing to go," she said dismissing him.

Andrew thought to himself of others he knew around the base, but they have already been dispatched. He also didn't want to try his luck on the newbies they got a few months back. A light bulb was then lit, he decided to find Marcus first to explain his plan before they went through.

"The nurse and the hacker?" Faye Lou asked confused about Andrew and Marcus' request to bring along Olivia and Isabella, who was going by the name Julie to hide her identity.

"Think about it, extra safety with Olivia," Marcus began.

"And easier access with Julie," Andrew added.

"They are good assets but they've mostly stuck within the base rather than out so they're not as skilled,"

"They won't need skill when were around boss," Andrew reassured.

She sighed and nodded, "Fine, let them know and report back to me when you arrive at the south side," Lou says as she dismisses the agents.

30 minutes later, Andrew and Marcus waited at the entrance/exit for the two girls. Andrew got impatient as he was trying to figure out why the girls took too long. They then saw the two walk out.

"Sorry we had to do a bit of upgrades," Olivia told them.

"And I was adding the caduceus to Olivia's jacket," Julie (Isabella) added, "So in battle, it'll be easier to spot her when you need a fix," she told them.

"Right, we're taking the truck to the south side suplex, I have a list of what's needed," Andrew stated as everyone nods.

Andrew and Marcus sat up in front while 'Julie' and Olivia took seats in the back.

"Nervous?" she asks the other female.

"Somewhat, I just hope I won't be needed for anything lethal," she told her.

"It's just a supply raid, I think the most you'll need to kill would be the gigantic rats around here," they laugh.


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